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Xartex 09-16-2005 05:28 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
55: When you start swinging a stick and think you can jup 15 feet up into the air without a problem
56: You try to melt away big ice blocks with your fire magic

BLaCK_MaGiC 09-16-2005 06:11 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
57. when you wear big rusty armor
58. when you think animals have items and gil with them
59. when you go around asking people for AP

ShadowHeart 09-16-2005 06:22 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
60. When you start scanning the ground for coins in hope of finding a Stellazio.

BLaCK_MaGiC 09-16-2005 06:27 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
61. when you mistake the word "train" for gargant

Lyde Lyde 09-16-2005 06:56 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX

Originally Posted by Zeromus_X
ps: wow! that looks like a real garnet! it mustve taken alot of work to make that costume!

Yeah I found this on yahoo search engines, these people need a life
62. You wear this
63.If you do the jump rope thing and make 45 jumps
64.If you collect every single terta master card
65. If you buy every ff9 product on and off the web.

Max the Man 09-16-2005 09:53 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
66: You go to Seattle and call it burmecia =-o
67: when you meet a lady who is a snake and has a fan

Zeromus_X 09-17-2005 01:01 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
68. now, the stuffed yan has come to life, and has teamed up with mittens to escape...and the pluto knights are after you!
69. you turn your unfaithful spouse into and oglop. try to get to the cats on the towers in treno...

Andrew Scaves 09-17-2005 05:49 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
71. You say that the only FF worth playing is IX
72.You have pics of Eiko all around your room.
73.If you ask someone in an alley if they want to be your slave.
74.You have all of your characters up too Lv.100
75.You collect every possible item in the game.

Ragnarok 09-18-2005 10:58 AM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
76- You start to repeat what everybody says except in reverse manner.(tried and tested; this pisses alot of people off)
77- You name your account after Steiner's second most powerful weapon.

(Note to Andrew Scaves: You can give the old man his coffee as long as it's still on disk 3, and then you recieve his boat on disk 4. :))

Xartex 09-18-2005 02:32 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
78: You get the Exalibur II

Andrew Scaves 09-18-2005 05:39 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
79.If you have a room full of Steiner pics
80.If you have a room filled with Quina pics.
81. You walk around holding a giant fork
82.Everyday you talk to someone about FFIX.

Arkacia 09-18-2005 09:58 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
83 - You start calling your little sister Eiko but you don't have a little sister.

Totorosama 09-22-2005 06:51 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
84. When you believe you can make fire come out of your hands.
85. When you try to start jumping fifty feet down a cliff and expect to survive.
86. When you start buying all the weapons you've ever seen in FFIX.

Lyde Lyde 09-22-2005 10:24 PM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
87.You make a serious debate about how you think Tidus and Zidane are alike.
88. You name your twin children Benero and Zenero
89.You name your twin children Zorn and Thorn
90.If you go to a shrink and gives you the inkblot test, you say that each one is from FFiX.
P.S.I think it should be for jusy FF in general, I could think of more then.

Xartex 09-23-2005 02:22 AM

Re: 1001 ways you know you've played too much FFIX
91. When you call in sick from work/school because you need too level up tour characters a little more

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