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Black Mage 12-12-2005 09:00 PM

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Hey what do you guys think about that game coming out. Its called Crisis Core. It like deals with before Final Fantasy VII and has alot of members of the Turks in it. Also does anyone know when it is coming out?

Black Mage 12-12-2005 09:08 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Ok? Does anyone want to talk at all about the turks or Zack or Cloud when they were in the Turks? If so just speak no

Phoenix Flame 12-15-2005 03:58 AM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
I haven't heard about Crisis Core. When is it due and for what platform?

Black Mage 12-15-2005 06:39 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
I heard Crisis Core is going to be for the Moble phone...To me sounds like a stupid idea puting that sweet game on a moble phone.

Gumdrop 12-15-2005 06:58 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Befor Crisis is for mobiles and little is knowen about Crisis core but I think it will be fore the PsP.

Phoenix Flame 12-21-2005 10:18 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Ok, thanks...oh btw, Hey Heavens Cloud :)

Tiny Bronco 01-27-2006 09:18 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
FF7CC is coming out on 6/1/06 for US. Its for PSP and Before Crisis has to deal with Turks. FF7CC is about Zack a couple of years before FF7. :)

Phoenix Flame 01-31-2006 12:04 AM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Does sound pretty sweet! Now we have a prequel! Awesome!

Tiny Bronco 02-12-2006 01:53 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
We have lots of FF7 add-ons. Here they are in order.
FF7 Before Crisis = About the Turks. For a mobile phone and probably some other stuff.
FF7 Crisis Core = 2 years before Niblehmn is burnt down. About Zack. It's an RPG GAME! Release Date: 6/1/06 for US.
FF7 = You know.
FF7 Advent Children = 2 years after FF7. Cloud takes on new bad guys with his powers. Plot is about stopping a Disease with some weird name in Japanese, but called Star Scare Syndrome. Release Date: 4/25/06.
FF7 Diergde of Ceribus. Somewhere after FF7AC. RPG about Vincient. 6/1/06

slimcloud 02-13-2006 08:11 AM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
they all sound cool CLOUD ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiny Bronco 02-13-2006 05:47 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
FF Before Crisis is coming out for US somewhere in 2006. Wouldn't it be sweet to have them all.

gcarev10 02-26-2006 12:55 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
It is 1-st time for me i will check intrnet.

Tiny Bronco 05-16-2006 07:18 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Never Mind. The US release dates have been change and finalized.
They are...

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Square Enix 08/01/06 US
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Square Enix TBA 2006 JP

So end of summer for US. Nothing about Europe.

Avathar 05-17-2006 05:41 AM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

Originally Posted by Tiny Bronco
We have lots of FF7 add-ons. Here they are in order.
FF7 Before Crisis = About the Turks. For a mobile phone and probably some other stuff.
FF7 Crisis Core = 2 years before Niblehmn is burnt down. About Zack. It's an RPG GAME! Release Date: 6/1/06 for US.
FF7 = You know.
FF7 Advent Children = 2 years after FF7. Cloud takes on new bad guys with his powers. Plot is about stopping a Disease with some weird name in Japanese, but called Star Scare Syndrome. Release Date: 4/25/06.
FF7 Diergde of Ceribus. Somewhere after FF7AC. RPG about Vincient. 6/1/06

- Before Crisis: 6 years before Final Fantasy VII
- Last Order: 5-1 years before Final Fantasy VII
- Crisis Core: 5, 4 years before Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VII ^^
- Advent Children: 2 years after Final Fantasy VII
- Dirge of Cerberus: 3 years after Final Fantasy VII

And the Mako poisoning disease in Advent Children was called Geostigma, i think. ^_^

blackadder93 05-17-2006 01:57 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
I heard it was also coming out on PS2 aswell, but I may be wrong.
Plus, I hope you get to play Cloud as a Soldier.

Tiny Bronco 05-20-2006 11:36 AM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
For Crisis Core it mentions everyone except Cloud, only saying that it takes place when he is "a lowly Shinra guard" It does have some screenshots with Cloud though.

I wish they made a continueation or completion of FF7 were it was about the war between Shinra and Wutia were Aeris's fake mother's husband died. I think it would be cool to see several thousand Shinra Soldiers fighting it out on a battle field. Might make a good CGM movie.

murza 05-31-2006 07:16 AM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
i didnt know there were so many add-on for ff7 btw where can u get advent children?

Tiny Bronco 06-12-2006 03:02 PM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
FF7AC is already out in the forms of a UMD for the PSP or a DVD. What a lot of abreviations! :D

NEW FF7CC information...

The PSP game Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII will be centered around four characters: Zack, Aeris, and two male characters yet to be identified. The game will implement voice acting, a materia creation system, and the abilities of Shinra's SOLDIER members.

I betting one of those to characters is Sephiroth and the other...hmmmmmmmm.
For some reason I still don't think its Cloud, but who else could it be? Maybe Hojo?

Does anyone know what a Materia Creation System is?

wakka 06-13-2006 08:13 AM

Re: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
I have heard about it ans it sounds cool

richboywonder 07-19-2006 01:56 AM

New FFVII on psp
anyone heard the new FFVII on's called Crisis Core:final fantasy VII

Zeromus_X 07-19-2006 02:19 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
Yes, it's part of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.

richboywonder 07-19-2006 02:29 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
i just heard it last week.does everyone now about it.

Zeromus_X 07-19-2006 03:22 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
It's been news for some time now, actually. :)

iwantapickle 07-19-2006 03:29 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
I have heard nothing about this, however i have heard something about them remaking final fantasy VII for the playstation 3. I've seen a tech demo of that on the opening scene of the game as far as what the graphics are going to look like. It looks just like the graphics from advent children except hey kind of look a tad younger.

Zeromus_X 07-19-2006 03:33 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
Square-Enix has no current plans for a remake of Final Fantasy VII.

And yes, the Crisis Core is (yet another...) FFVII spin-off game. It's been announced for awhile; but since I don't really have interest in all these spin-offs I don't know much about it. I think it involves the Turks during the Wutai War or something.

Griever 07-19-2006 03:34 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
Are you sure zero? I've seen this techinal demo as well..

Zeromus_X 07-19-2006 03:38 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
Yeah, but that's all it is. A technical demo showing off the graphical capabilies of the PS3. Square's stance on a remake is basically 'Yeah, it'd be nice to make a remake, but we have other things to do right now and it'd take alot of work to create a remake'. Square hasn't even made any official statements of a remake in progress, so there really isn't any reason to believe there will be one, yet.

Of course, a remake does sound fantastic, but there really isn't any word of one being made yet.

Anyway, on-topic, does anyone have any more info on this Crisis Core? I'm not up to speed with the sea of spin-offs SE seems to have enjoyed working one recently.

Griever 07-19-2006 03:42 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
I'll read up on it, if i find out anything more about it i will post it here.

Here is some more info on it-

Square Enix is bringing this role-playing game to the PSP as part of their Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series.
Name: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
By: Square Enix
Genre: Action Role-Playing
Release Date: TBA

Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII [working title] will be an action RPG, and it is currently slated to release in early 2006. The game will be produced by Yoshinori Kitase, who directed the original 1997 game. Tabata Hajime, who directed Before Crisis - Final Fantasy VII, the mobile phone Compilation game, will direct Crisis Core. The character designs will again be the work of Tetsuya Nomura, who designed the characters for FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, and the Kingdom Hearts series, among other Square Enix games.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Preshow Report
Square Enix showed off what it called a "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII," which is a collection of products set in the Final Fantasy VII universe. One of the titles shown was Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, a spin-off for the PlayStation Portable that focuses on the role Soldier and Sephiroth played in Project Genesis--specifically the character of Zack. Square Enix showed a lengthy trailer for the game, and we're bringing you the details.

Crisis Core is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII that tells the story of Zack, a young recruit working for Soldier, the elite private military of the Shinra Corporation. Zack is eager to prove himself and achieve first rank in the organization. However, an older character who seems to be somewhat of a mentor to Zack tries to temper the young fighter's eagerness.

The trailer showed lots of heated discussions between Zack and this other character, and eventually Sephiroth came into the picture. Sephiroth is a legendary soldier, and Zack vows to be even stronger. Eventually Zack and Sephiroth meet and Project Genesis is mentioned, and it seems to be a point of contention within the organization.

Very little actual gameplay was shown in the trailer, but from what we did see, it seems that the game is very action-oriented. The combat sequences are fast, and we saw several moments where Zack jumped from one enemy to another, slashing with his sword as well as using a gun.

There was no sign of Cloud in the game, but Sephiroth made several appearances. Most notable was the sequence that closed the trailer, which showed Zack and Sephiroth battling with swords. The two clashed blades and Zack vowed to defeat Sephiroth, but of course Sephiroth would have none of that, and he effortlessly flung the young soldier aside.

Crisis Core is still currently in development, but both the rendered cinematics and the in-game footage look sharp. The world is dark and sterile, much like the headquarters of the Shinra corporation in Midgar in the original Final Fantasy VII. We'll bring you more details as soon as they become available, but for now, be sure to take a look at our gamespace for some brand-new screenshots of the game.


Those are the only screens i can find for it, and about all the information on it...i tried to go to the teaser site, but it's in japanese. This will have to do for now.

ultimecia 07-19-2006 04:36 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
but why would they want to have ffVII on psp when its already been released on playstation ages ago they should make a new ff instead of wasting their time on re-releasing them on the psp

oh the crisis core sorry didnt see that good idea whats it about isnt one about vincent?

Griever 07-19-2006 04:37 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
It's not a remake, it's a spin off...more like a prequal, read the information and look at the screenshots.

Zeromus_X 07-19-2006 04:42 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
Dirge of Cerberus is the shooting game with Vincent. (Which looks fun, and has enough Kitten Sith.)

Wow! I guess I don't know the limits of the PSP, but if that's regular gameplay screenshots...

Griever 07-19-2006 04:49 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
I don't think those screens are gameplay, i think they are rendered cinematics.

Da Chink 07-20-2006 12:05 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
Cant wait to sink my teeth into this. ;)

Griever 07-21-2006 04:34 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
I'm with you there, it does look nice..

ultimecia 07-21-2006 04:38 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
thats ashame i dont have a psp i just cant wait for the new 4 games coming out for the ps2 and ps3 2 later this year and 2 out next year they seam really good i hope that crisis core comes out on ps2 or ps3

beef 07-21-2006 01:08 PM

Re: New FFVII on psp
why they make ff's in psp, its so stupid

Griever 07-22-2006 02:58 PM

Re: New FFVII on psp

Originally Posted by beef
why they make ff's in psp, its so stupid

...Because they can? If it's stupid to you then don't buy it ;)

ChocoboMan 07-25-2006 05:12 AM

Re: New FFVII on psp
When does Crisis Core come out.

Spirit 07-25-2006 04:55 PM

Re: New FFVII on psp
i think it comes out in a couple of months, i think.

richboywonder 07-25-2006 07:51 PM

Re: New FFVII on psp
is Crisis Core exactly like ff7 or is it all different.are the characters different or the same?

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