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SethirothVII 09-05-2006 03:02 PM

Sephiroth OR Cloud
Ok FF7 is based around the planet with main chracters of cloud and sephiroth and everyone knows the story of cloud beating sephiroth.
However if if you got to choose who won cloud or sephiroth who would you choose not based on likeness or the storyline but the strength and powers of each character who do you think would win.

Zeromus_X 09-05-2006 09:09 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Well, Cloud would probably win regardless, since he's the good guy. They have a knack of overcoming adversity against all odds.

Now, as for who would win in a gameplay battle, Cloud would win. Sephiroth is permanently at Level 50, with set Materia and equipment. Regular Cloud does not have these limitations. Sephiroth is also uncontrollable in battle.

Kat 09-05-2006 09:49 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
i think Sephiroth has a lot more power than Cloud,but since Cloud is the good guy he will always win ,like good rules evil.

SethirothVII 09-06-2006 10:59 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Well i would say sephiroth as sephiroth is more powerful and cloud and of course good always wins so if you think about it when theres a film or game with evil vs good you already know the ending whats pointless so regardless of good always winning i would say sephiroth would win.

Zeromus_X 09-06-2006 11:37 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
And, then, since you seem to be talking about who would win in a regular game battle, then Sephiroth would never be able to win. :)

Phoenix Flame 09-07-2006 03:31 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
I vote Sephiroth - reason being is that his sword is light and nimble, he probably has some cool limit break we've never seen, and he's also got Jenova cells...

cloud_vs_sephiroth 09-07-2006 04:38 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
i vote sephiroth......

richboywonder 09-07-2006 09:15 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud

wingman 09-14-2006 01:34 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
cloud would win

Yoko Kurama 09-25-2006 08:42 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Cloud would win hands down. In Advent Children you get to see more powers of the two of them, and the same goes for Kingdom Hearts 2. Sephiroth is strong, but Cloud, like some one else has already said, is the good guy and good always triumphs over evil.

ALexander 09-25-2006 10:43 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
my vote is for cloud!

mikeh2304 10-01-2006 02:27 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Regarding Sephiroth at level 50, he evades all attacks and is immune to magic. We can't say for sure whether he's invincible.

Cloud101 10-02-2006 10:55 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
I'm all for Cloud, but in reality, they had to lower the strength of Sephiroth so that he didn't appear too powerful. In reality he was at Lv.100,(no I don't mean Lv.99), but if they had put that in the battles, the player would be baffled at how Cloud could beat him. So yeah, if it was the real battle between Cloud and Sephiroth, Sephiroth would tear him appart piece by piece!

Gumdrop 10-07-2006 10:40 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud

Originally Posted by Zeromus_X
Well, Cloud would probably win regardless, since he's the good guy. They have a knack of overcoming adversity against all odds.

Now, as for who would win in a gameplay battle, Cloud would win. Sephiroth is permanently at Level 50, with set Materia and equipment. Regular Cloud does not have these limitations. Sephiroth is also uncontrollable in battle.

Becuase of the handicaps that you have mentioned its clear who would win. Cloud also has limits and I don't recall seeing any from Sephiroth. even if he did evade every normal attack like he does early on in the game he'd be screwed if Cloud set off Omnislash and had Final attack + Pheonix materias ect.

Cloud101 10-27-2006 11:22 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
You have a point... but think of this, Sephiroth is to egotistical to use extra things like that on a regular basis.

Unknown Kaze 10-27-2006 12:49 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
sephiroth was a powerhouse but in gameplay, Cloud would win cos as evyerone above me said, he is the good guy and cos all of Sephiroth's materia and magic was predetermined whereas Cloud's could be changed. But personally I would have preferred Sephiroth to win, cos he was seriously sick - both in a good AND bad way.

Cloud101 11-02-2006 12:07 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Yeah, your so right!

dappa 11-02-2006 03:00 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Sephiroth looks cool. But clouds get the vote for being able to do the omnislash.

But saying that you would think sephiroth's supernova attack would destroy all.

Yggdrasill 11-04-2006 04:16 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Since Cloud was only a Shinra-grunt in FFVII and he never really joined SOLDIER and he still beat Sephiroth, I'd said Cloud.
Cloud is physically stronger than Sephiroth, (you can easily tell because of the size of Cloud's sword) it's actually a surprise Sephiroth's sword doesn't snap after one clash of both swords.

Dark Cloud 11-05-2006 03:48 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
i think cloud hes just more cool. sephi is just to evil but sum people like that aspect

Cloud101 11-07-2006 11:37 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Hang on a second, Sephiroth's MASAMUNE was10 feet long! Nobody on Earth could weild it properly!

dappa 11-07-2006 02:50 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud

Originally Posted by Cloud101
Hang on a second, Sephiroth's MASAMUNE was10 feet long! Nobody on Earth could weild it properly!

Yeah thats what made me laugh about the swords in this game. Some artwork with cloud with his buster sword had me thinking the same when I first played the game.

Cloud101 11-09-2006 11:19 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
I've weilded MANY different swords, but never come across the broad swords that Cloud weilds. I'm sure it's possible to forge them, but it would take tremendous strength to weild them.

tangzhanke 11-12-2006 02:42 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
sephiroh laa

Tiny Bronco 11-12-2006 08:11 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Thsis is tough because Clouds "powers" where never actually defined. Through all of the flash backs you can tell that Cloud and Zack were both infused with mako and Jenova Cells, but Zack didn't react to this. (The flashback were Zack and Cloud are sitting in those green tubes and Zack brakes them both out) Before that though Cloud appered to be a very unique person, because he through Sephiroth into the lifestream after being stabbed in the gut.

Lots of people say that by this point Cloud already had Jenova Cells, but Hojo specifically says that he decided to try and make Cloud into a Sephiroth clone(inject Jenova Cells and mako) because Cloud was the only one found alive in Nibliehm after Sephy attacked. Tifa and her master had fled. So Cloud apparently has some special power he was born with or it was his "destiny" to save the world.

So in terms of power I say Cloud, but In terms of general sweetness definetaly Sephiroth.

Cloud101 11-13-2006 11:49 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Yeah, he is a nice guy.

Blaze 11-15-2006 11:06 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Cloud would win hands down with Omnislash Cloud is unbeatable

squall001 12-07-2006 10:10 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
for me, clorud in the game would certainly lose if it is a one on one battle
and sephiroth would have a lot of hp. but in the movie ff7 ac cloud became stronger and
faster. he has a lot swords this time all diff. kind of it. cloud would be a able to defeat
sephiroth this time and around

Spec Highwind 12-08-2006 07:35 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
He only has one sword. He just knows how to use Omnislash :P

Phoenix Flame 12-09-2006 07:02 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud

Originally Posted by Spec
He only has one sword. He just knows how to use Omnislash :P

...isn't THAT enough?!?!

white mage 01-19-2007 07:31 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
I agree with Soma. Sephiroth would kick Cloud's butt if they were really fighting. He'd rip him to shreds.

Yggdrasill 01-19-2007 08:29 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Cloud because:

-Cloud had a full sword fight with Sephiroth in AC and Cloud came out the victor.
-Cloud physically over-powered Sephiroth in FFVII after Sephiroth stabbed him through the chest.
-Sephiroth without his God-like powers isn't that strong, 3000HP isn't a lot.

The 2nd point proves Cloud is physically stronger than Sephiroth and the 1st point proofs Cloud has better sword skills than Sephiroth, thus, Cloud wins.

Doctor 01-20-2007 05:55 AM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud

Originally Posted by Yggdrasill
Cloud because:

-Cloud had a full sword fight with Sephiroth in AC and Cloud came out the victor.
-Cloud physically over-powered Sephiroth in FFVII after Sephiroth stabbed him through the chest.
-Sephiroth without his God-like powers isn't that strong, 3000HP isn't a lot.

The 2nd point proves Cloud is physically stronger than Sephiroth and the 1st point proofs Cloud has better sword skills than Sephiroth, thus, Cloud wins.

I disagree on the "sword skills." Sephiroth trained longer than Cloud, so Cloud has a slight lack of experience.

In FF7: Advent Children I honestly thought that Sephiroth was holding back. He could have destroyed Cloud easily.'s true that the main hero has that knack for overcoming all odds. So Cloud would win, even if he had entire limbs ripped off he could beat Sephiroth.

Yggdrasill 01-20-2007 03:46 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
I wouldn't say he was holding back. If Sephiroth is truly more powerful than Cloud he wouldn't have needed to turn into a God-Form (FF7) to even stand a chance at killing him.

I'd say Cloud is way stronger than Sephiroth. when Cloud overpowered Sephiroth in FF7 he had been stabbed right through his chest, Cloud only sliced Sephiroth a bit on his arm so Sephiroth had hardly even been injured.
Basically, what I'm saying is: Sephiroth without his God-like powers, which he attained from the lifestream, is a lot weaker (physically) than Cloud.

Tiny Bronco 01-21-2007 07:25 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
I'm semi-sick of being the good guy and how they always win. I think a lot of people agrre with that because it many newer games you can pick which side you want to play as. (i.e. Lord of the Rings/Star Wars) Anyhow, besides this and the fact that Sepiroth does look a lot cooler than Cloud I'd say Sephiroth. Even though he always gets owned by Omnislash. :)

Cloud101 01-25-2007 07:01 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Ok,think about this; Hojo did experiments on Cloud to make him stronger, thus granting him his current unnatural powers, BOOYA!!

Sleazer 03-10-2007 04:33 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
I think Sephiroth will win in a real fight man versus man,if cloud donīt have his sumons and his friends Sephiroth would win.But Cloud is the hero so he wins.

ultimecia 03-10-2007 06:06 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
i agree on a one on one battle sepiroth would win the only reason cloud wins is becuse he has his friends

Gackt Camui 03-11-2007 08:33 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Ah that makes me feel sad for Sephy

clief101_ 05-28-2007 11:35 PM

Re: Sephiroth OR Cloud
Cloud wuld win hands down

1.) before cloud was injected with jenova cell's he was physically stronger than sephiroth, this was proven when cloud overpowered and through him into the lifestream.
2.) when cloud was injected with the jenova cells, he had an incredible reaction 2 them, from what i understand, more than what sephiroth had, even though he was a baby.
3.) the strength of omnislash isnt from his sword, its clouds raw power, and it owns sephiroths nova!!!

so i vote cloud!!!

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