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Shinra Soldier 1 08-27-2007 11:37 AM

One thing that keeps me believing there could be a god (i'm an agnostic) is the fact of where we go when we die. I've been thinking about it since I was a small child (hey, i'm an open minded guy!) and just can't see people sleeping forever, you wouldn't have dreams or anything. It's impossible to make the mind feel as if it just isn't there. I have come to teh conclusion that I think we fall asleep, in a way, then wake up in our new body with our newmind. Thent hat makes me afraid because I don't know if I want to lead another life, but if I don't remember my old one then how could I be afraid? They say birthmarks are signs of a past life injury, I think as we continue to resurrect in new bodies they will eventually disappear, then we will be in a state of nirvana. Okay I don't nkow what I think about that, but it's pretty neat sounding! So what do you think happens to us when we die?

blackstar 08-31-2007 03:01 PM

Re: AFterlife
You go where you want to go your soul's energy takes you where you belive.

Spec Highwind 08-31-2007 04:35 PM

Re: AFterlife
You stop existing.

dappa 08-31-2007 05:35 PM

Re: AFterlife
In a ideal world everything the thread author said would be an ideal scenario. It would be cool if you went on existing and existing but i think we just cease to exist. I know that sucks.

Even if it was true that you kept on being reincarnated as something or someone what would happen when the earth ceases to exist in 6 billion years time?

Doctor 09-03-2007 02:39 AM

Re: AFterlife
I think that, though our bodies perish, our true selves live on. I DO believe that we all have souls--it doesn't make sense for us to be here if we were just going to eventually become rotting corpses, just, non-existant.

All I'm going to say is what I just said, and this; even if we do live on after our bodies are long gone, I can't say exactly WHERE we will be. If a person ever dies, and ever manages to somehow send the human race proof that there is a heaven or hell, the, well, great. But for now, I don't believe in it. =P

clief101_ 09-03-2007 06:09 AM

Re: AFterlife
i think that we're riencarnated...i mean we cant jus die and thats it...eitha we r riencarnated or there is a place like heavan?? i duno

Hydra 09-03-2007 01:22 PM

Re: AFterlife
The only thing that puzzles me, is billions of people have died, and there's not one clue to where people go. Not one clue at all. That just astounds me.

There's a lot of alternatives, so I can't exactly say what happens to us when we die. We could go to heaven, we could be reincarnated in another body, or we just keep dreaming for eternity. Maybe we dream for eternity, until Jesus Christ raises again, and that gives truth to teh Bible. Or maybe we just lay there. I have no idea.

But it surprises me a lot that we don't know after all these years.

clief101_ 09-03-2007 11:51 PM

Re: AFterlife
it wuld suprise me alot that wen we die, we jus cease to exist eva again...i mean, it cant jus end there can it?? i wuldnt wanna live or die knowing that its jus gonna stop...yeh sure fair enuf, ppl remember u after ur gone, but what happens wen they 4get?? just like freya's thing (dunno what its called) its better to die than to b 4gotten...or sumfin like that

it jus cant end there wen we lived such fulfilling lives and 4 it to mean nothing at all??

Shinra Soldier 1 09-05-2007 04:34 PM

Re: AFterlife
I have a friend who's an atheist that just thinks we quit existing, I don't like to get into arguments with him about things like that, it wouldn't help either of our cases, but he really just says there is no proof there is a good, then I say, there's no proof there isn't...

clief101_ 09-06-2007 03:22 AM

Re: AFterlife
i wuld hate to get into an argment about that, coz really, untill we, we jus simply dont knoe the ansa to this question...but i like ur comebak...'theres no proof there isnt'...i bet he dusnt have a too flash comebak to it, coz once thats sed, there really is no proof of an existance or no existance after death, and to think that there isnt, is jus creepy to me

Spec Highwind 09-07-2007 04:34 PM

Re: AFterlife

Originally Posted by Doctor Faust
it doesn't make sense for us to be here if we were just going to eventually become rotting corpses, just, non-existant.

And does it make sense to live on forever?

Hydra 09-07-2007 05:31 PM

Re: AFterlife
It seems like a more reasonable idea than just laying there for the rest of your life, and being wiped off the face of exsistance.

Spec Highwind 09-07-2007 06:17 PM

Re: AFterlife
I don't think so... If something is too long it loses its meaning, to me... Short and intense things for me (:

clief101_ 09-09-2007 10:35 PM

Re: AFterlife
still...i jus dont think we jus stop existing...maybe theres another plane of existence that we go to wen we die, and are eventually re-encarnated or sumfin??

Doctor 09-10-2007 01:08 AM

Re: AFterlife

Originally Posted by Hydra
The only thing that puzzles me, is billions of people have died, and there's not one clue to where people go. Not one clue at all. That just astounds me.

There's a lot of alternatives, so I can't exactly say what happens to us when we die. We could go to heaven, we could be reincarnated in another body, or we just keep dreaming for eternity. Maybe we dream for eternity, until Jesus Christ raises again, and that gives truth to teh Bible. Or maybe we just lay there. I have no idea.

But it surprises me a lot that we don't know after all these years.

Ha ha, well said. It's really surprising--so many people die every single day, you would think that maybe just one soul could send us signs of an afterlife, a place beyond earth.

I know that when I'm dead, all be sure to let everyone know what hangin' out after death is like. OH, and maybe send some real proof as well of any God or whatever's "up there." That is, if I actually end up there...

Phoenix Flame 09-21-2007 08:03 AM

Re: AFterlife

Originally Posted by Shinra Soldier 1
I don't like to get into arguments with him about things like that, it wouldn't help either of our cases

That pretty much sums it up - I could make a huge case about what I believe, but in the end you'll only believe what you want - or what you've been 'led' to believe at this point in your life. God works in mysterious ways - you've heard said, I'm sure. I believe that (He) does exist, that all of life, the world, and space points to a maker - that He's quietly working behind the scenes and in/through us everyday and in every way.

It blows my mind to try and comprehend 'free will.' My finite mind can't wrap around it. Especially when the bible says that some are 'predestined' for eternal life, while others are made for 'wrath.' I just take it as faith - that, and I've seen/felt His presence in my life and around me in different ways.

Just to reiterate: you'll believe what you're 'led' to believe. Its good that we have a lot of thinkers here - life would be pretty boring w/o free will - dont'cha think?!

Spec Highwind 09-21-2007 10:03 AM

Re: AFterlife
Oh... and what makes me think you stop existing is that you are no more than a group of atoms. And your thoughts are actually neurotical impulses that won't go anywhere when you die...

Shinra Soldier 1 10-08-2007 05:35 PM

Re: AFterlife
Our minds aren't just atoms, Look at what you're doing, you're reading comprehending, thinking about things. We are more than atoms, we have an intense thinking process, that doesn't involve atoms, but our perceptions

white mage 02-12-2008 12:11 PM

Re: AFterlife

Originally Posted by Shinra Soldier 1 (Post 102963)
I have a friend who's an atheist that just thinks we quit existing, I don't like to get into arguments with him about things like that, it wouldn't help either of our cases, but he really just says there is no proof there is a good, then I say, there's no proof there isn't...

I have a friend thats Christian, and two Atheist friends (Im Agnostic) and I love arguing about that kind of stuff!!!! She usually gets quiet when we go too far.... That uaually doesnt take long, lol.

I dont know. I think that, because there are so many different religions and beliefs, that we can choose where we wanna go. We dont say, "I wanna go to the Christian Heaven." But I do think that we affect this with our beliefs, which is how Hell keeps from getting crowded. lol If reincarnation is true, who, or what, were the first spirits, and how was the modern human body created, etc. I guess we'll never know.

MOD EDIT: Please notice the 'Edit' button on the bottom of your post next time, before double - posting. I've merged your posts.

blackstar 02-12-2008 06:42 PM

Re: AFterlife
I say our spirit just becomes part of the energy of the universe. I don't really know and I don't suppose I really will until I die. So if im wrong about everything I guess "I will See you in Hell" Sorry random Aiden song moment.

Luis 02-12-2008 08:27 PM

Re: AFterlife

Originally Posted by Spec Highwind (Post 102660)
You stop existing.

kb-sama 02-12-2008 09:24 PM

Re: AFterlife
I don't think there is one,you Die,your soul gets in line then you Reincarnate (Hope i spelled that right) then you just Re-start as a new life you mite be a girl or boy old or young,abd you DON'T remeber ANYTHING of your old life

white mage 02-14-2008 12:15 AM

Re: AFterlife
You've got a good point kb, and it does have some logic, doesnt it? If your spirit, soul, whatever, were to retain the memories of your past lives, the current one would go completely mad. But here are a few of my questions: Where do the memories go? Will the process end, and if so, when? And do you believe that we can be reincarnated into animals, or is it only humans. And: is there an afterlife for those we consider animals?

Phoenix Flame 02-15-2008 05:57 AM

Re: AFterlife

Andrew Scaves 02-15-2008 11:52 PM

Re: AFterlife
Hmm this is a real cerebral topic and i think there are many possibilites. With about 6 billion people on Earth right now and much more in the total years of our existence I wonder if genes are repeated? I think there can be only so many different types of faces, but I'm getting off topic now. I think there's a possibility of a heaven or after life and also of reincarnation, but with the idea if we come back as animals or if animals have their own after lives, my guesses are that humans are the most intelligent being on Earth and really the only ones with souls. i would think if reincarnation is what happens then we only come back as other humans or possibly dolphins since they have the same intelligence as us, but what for when this planet is destroyed, I'm not really sure on that one, I read the Amber Spyglass by Phillip Pullman not that long ago and they had an after life, but the spirits could become part of the living world again as atoms when they step back into the world of the living. It's just really complicated.

Shinra Soldier 1 02-16-2008 01:41 AM

Re: AFterlife
Yeah see if the world wasn't supposed to end, it would be a much easier question to answer!

kb-sama 02-16-2008 07:36 PM

Re: AFterlife

Originally Posted by Andrew Scaves (Post 112397)
Hmm this is a real cerebral topic and i think there are many possibilites. With about 6 billion people on Earth right now and much more in the total years of our existence I wonder if genes are repeated? I think there can be only so many different types of faces, but I'm getting off topic now. I think there's a possibility of a heaven or after life and also of reincarnation, but with the idea if we come back as animals or if animals have their own after lives, my guesses are that humans are the most intelligent being on Earth and really the only ones with souls. i would think if reincarnation is what happens then we only come back as other humans or possibly dolphins since they have the same intelligence as us, but what for when this planet is destroyed, I'm not really sure on that one, I read the Amber Spyglass by Phillip Pullman not that long ago and they had an after life, but the spirits could become part of the living world again as atoms when they step back into the world of the living. It's just really complicated.

i think if the Earth Gets killed When we'er Dead we Just Reincarnate into Angles or Demons Of Course if the earth get PURGED (don't yell at me if my spelling is off) By god or the Super Devil are Souls (if your on earth at the time)get wiped out to

Indigo Truth 04-11-2008 11:03 AM

Re: AFterlife
I think there is an afterlife but i think you get resurrected. I mean think about deja-vu. Maybe you have already been here in your previous life and you made the wrong decision, and you can remember that so your body is bringing it back up so this time you may be able to make the right decision.


Arkacia 05-01-2008 09:09 AM

Re: AFterlife
I believe the belief in an afterlife of any description, whether reincarnation, heaven, ect, comes straight from the natural fear humans have of death. The idea of just ceasing to exist is so horrifying, that all these other beliefs have sprung up to give people hope and some sort of reassurance that they will go on, in some way shape or form. It also gives comfort to those that have lost loved ones that they will meet again on some other plane of existence.

My personal belief is at death, we cease to exist. All consciousness is gone. Like turning a light off.

Nemo12 05-10-2008 01:48 PM

Re: AFterlife
Our bodies are just shells for out spirits. If you believe this is all there is, that there is nothing more beyond this life, then those beliefs will rot in the soil with your body. But if you believe your spirit will soar, unto the heavens it be! XD Ahaha, but I'm not saying "if you believe in magic". I doubt out minds can create our future.

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