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Blaze 12-01-2006 11:28 AM

Where can you get the dark knight dressphere?

John Smith 12-01-2006 11:31 AM

Re: Dressphere


Dark Knight | CH2, 3, 5 | CH2 - In 'Infiltrate Bevelle' mission - when you
| enter screen labeled 'Bevelle - labyrinth' for
| second time (this is after the screen with gaol
Follow this link: | machine), pay attention. Approach the wall which | will fall away. Ahead you see three lifts. Use
| left one first - on upper level climb both
| elevations to get access to final lift up here
| (open the chest for HI-POTION). Now go S all the
| way until you fall down. Use N lift now to be
| transported to elevated switch - climb onto it
| and two pillars will rise somewhere. Go back
| down, and now ride right lift to upper level.
| Take left lift back down to lower level. Use N
| lift again and you get access to another elevated
| switch - climb onto it and you have now complete
| access. Use the lift to ride back down, then use
| left lift to go back up to upper level. Finally
| use top lift here to get even higher. Up here use
| the pillars you've been rising to nab this DSP.
| CH3 - If you've sided with New Yevon, you have
| permanent access to Bevelle's dungeon thru whole
| CH. Just follow steps given above and get this
| DSP.
| CH3 - If you've sided with Youth League, the
| access to Bevelle's dungeon is available only
| AFTER you clear Besaid and Kilika hotspots, but
| BEFORE you waste the boss inside Djose temple.
| Just follow steps given above and get this DSP.
| CH5 - Regardless of who you sided with, you have
| permanent access to Bevelle's dungeon. Just
| follow steps given above and get this DSP.

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