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Seyluv 05-09-2007 12:12 AM

If I married.......
This was a fun thread on this other forum. Anyway I thought it be nice to let you guys in on this thread.

How would you live if whoever u like from this movie was married to you?

If I was married to Sephiroth. I would be right beside him in whatever he does. He would love me. We would inflict terrior on who every we want.:D We might have a little Sephiroth JR walking around. Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo and who ever else would bow to us, if not then they get pretty beaten :p Well Lots of stuff, mainly we be in liove and we would rule everything

Doctor 05-09-2007 12:33 AM

Re: If I married.......
Hmmm....Do you mean from any Final Fantasy?

Well, if that's the case, then I'll just pick who I like...although it may reveal the mystery behind my gender (if it wasn't obvious enough already X3 )

I would marry Sephy too X3 But with all of the love and attention I would give him, I would soften his heart immensley XD Eventually, after I would get him to stop killing people, we could have a nice, somewhat normal life. XD

I have another choice, though, and that would be Ramza from FF Tactics. I know, he's not exactly mainstream FF, but besides Sephy he's pretty much the only one without a real love story. XD I would just spend my life trying to help him win the godamn war in Ivalice XDD

Seyluv 05-09-2007 12:59 AM

Re: If I married.......
Yay, another one for Sephiroth. Of course I don't care if he good or evil.

Slider 05-09-2007 06:17 AM

Re: If I married.......

I would marry Rinoa (she reminds me of someone I know :o)

Gackt Camui 05-09-2007 05:20 PM

Re: If I married.......
It has to be FF? That makes me want to cry. Okay Reno for me....because like I said before. Cloud is a hero and he is attractive, but he's to quiet for me. Now Reno, he's got his hair. That rhymes lol. And he can be a hero just like Cloud and also look good doing it!

ultimecia 05-10-2007 08:39 AM

Re: If I married.......
by telling you this would reveal my gender but okay.. i would marry rikku she is very cheerful and exciting.. lol :)

Gackt Camui 05-10-2007 11:29 AM

Re: If I married.......
What is the big deal with revealing your gender? Is that a bad thing?

Slider 05-10-2007 11:47 AM

Re: If I married.......

Originally Posted by Gackt Camui
What is the big deal with revealing your gender? Is that a bad thing?

I've takin it as a hobby to oppose u lately :D:D:D

1. personnal freedom
2. girls COULD be harrassed (well may-b not in here, but i'm talkin in general)
3. some guys are more comfortable that way too!

need i say more? :)

Gackt Camui 05-10-2007 11:55 AM

Re: If I married.......
Nope. It was just a question. Thanks for answering!!!

Seyluv 05-10-2007 03:48 PM

Re: If I married.......
This topic isn't that hott here. Wow, Kpopper making you guys look bad on Soompi :p

They even gave examples of why, like paragraphs and pages on why they choose they pick.

Well, I'm glad you guys actually replied. :D

Darkreno 05-10-2007 09:16 PM

Re: If I married.......
cool thread empress :D n as 4 marius what u mean idiots who r already married ;ble well if i had 2 marry someone from ff it would b lulu. hmmmm? i better watch it if marius comes back here im toast. ok ok if i had 2 marry someone fromm ff i would dress marius up as lulu n remarry her :D

Marius 05-11-2007 12:02 AM

Re: If I married.......
yeah punk flip that switch dress me up as lulu u better fix yourself 2 pose as reno 4real. yep dye ur hair red n lose ur beergut lol then i'll remarry/marry u anyway u like, knucklehead :D

Kat 05-12-2007 03:46 PM

Re: If I married.......
i think i would prolly marry ... *thinks* *frowns*
all the villains from ff are messed up O.o"

... *thinks a little more*

well if Tidus was free then i would marry Tidus ^_^;

dappa 05-12-2007 08:20 PM

Re: If I married.......
ok then if I was married to rikku I would live life very carefree lol!!!

ultimecia 05-13-2007 05:50 AM

Re: If I married.......
well its a big thing telling my gender because ive taken the role of ultimecia from FFVIII who is a woman so most people would think im female

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