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Squall Leonhart 01-20-2006 08:15 PM

you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
feel free to add your own! :)

1. You pretend that your marbles (and other shiny round objects) are Materia.
2. You glue a paper cone to your forehead and pretend to be a summoner.
3. You have a little hand floating above your head.
4. You go to Mcdonalds and ask for Gysahl greens instead of fries with your chicken nuggets.
5. You try to fly your garden.
6. You know the exact movements to ALL limit breaks/overdrives etc.
7. You quote characters.
8. You know more about Final Fantasy than Hironobu Sakaguchi does.
9. You refer to characters using both their first and last names.
10. You saw off part of your arm in an ill-fated attempt to look like Barett.
11. Instead of talking an actual language, you say “Kupo” and expect people to know what you’re talking about.
12. Kupo.
13. You think your cat is an enemy, and try to draw magic from it.
14. You start to talk like Barett.
15. You try to play blitzball in your pool
16. You notice that Cloud can’t possibly carry 99 Mimett Greens. No one can.
17. You start to refer to money as Gil.
18. You squash your canary attempting to ride it like a Chocobo.
19. You see a cactus and attempt to defeat but end up in hospital.
20. You try to swear and come out with “$&%*!”
21. You find yourself in a fight the school bully; you scan him to determine his HP and his weaknesses.
22. You let the bully have the first punch while you wait for your ATB bar to fill.
23. You are defeated, but know it’s ok because you can be revived at the nearest save point.
24. When your parents are asleep, you attack them to wake them up.
25. You read a book and compare it with Final Fantasy.
26. You forget something and blame your GF.
27. You try to summon.
28. You really can summon!
29. You mistakenly kill an old woman, believing it to be Sephiroth.
30. You look up at the moon in terror.
31. You write a “You know you've played too much FF when...” list.

Tiny Bronco 01-20-2006 09:56 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
Very Funny list. :D I got some...
32. When you beleive you can easily survive gunshots because Cloud can.
33. When you blow off huge mistakes saying I'll just hit the restart button.
34. When you won't go around alone because you're afraid you'll get attacked by monsters.
35. If you try to level up by getting in random fights.

Squall Leonhart 01-21-2006 12:06 AM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
36. You try to find materia slots in your Guns and Swords
37.You talk to random people hoping that they'll give you something.
38.You own -real- Triple Triad/Tetra Master cards.
39.You ask every person on the street if they'd like to play Triple Triad/Tetra Master.
40. You throw bird feathers on dead people trying to revive them.
41. You dye your hair yellow and spike it hoping someone will tell you "Hey, you look like that guy from Final Fantasy"
42. If someone asks you about a movie that made you cry, you mention the scene where Sephiroth kills Aeris.
43. You throw a molotov coctail at someone shouting "Firaga"!
44. You glue 2 stuffed animal heads to your dog and call him Cerberus.
45. You get a tatoo of your favorite FF character.
46. You find a frog and try to use a remedy to make it turn 'back' to human.
47. You try and dodge lightning bolts 200 times to get a Celestial Weapon in a rain storm
48. When you win a fight, you hum the victory music and do a victory stance.
49. You go to every country in search of the Promised Land
50. You have mastered all of the following phrases:
51. You try find the island closest to heaven on your local map
52. You get some ice and throw it at people yelling " Blizzaga!"
53. You throw a clock at someone and yell "Slow."
54. When you think a cloud is Cloud.
55. You tape your water-pistol with a kitchen knife, pretending it would be a gun-blade.

Tiny Bronco 01-21-2006 04:51 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
56. If you open up all the doors, chests, closets,drawers, ect. hoping to find an ether.
57. If you run around on bird footprints trying to fight a chocobo.
58. If you think every guy named Cid has an airship.
59. If your college major is Black Magic.
60. If you go to a college that has Black Magic as a major.

Squall Leonhart 01-21-2006 05:18 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
61. When half or more of these apply to you
62. You dress like the characters
63. You check this thread everyday.
64. You tell your friends to call you Squall

Tiny Bronco 01-21-2006 09:26 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
65. If you are convinced powerplants are draining the planets lifesource.
66. If you legally change your name to Cloud.
67. If you try to revive the dead using Pheonix Downs.
68. If you walk into random people's houses just to talk to them.
69. If you can't tell the difference between a chicken and a baby chocobo.

Squall Leonhart 01-21-2006 09:35 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
70. You think dressing in black leather, acting careless, and putting a scar on you nose bone is the best way to get a girlfriend.
71. You have a 20 hour version of Hymn Of The Faith.
72. You buy the Buster sword online.
73. You buy a gunblade online.
74. You think the only way to die is to be sent by a summoner.
75. You all the soundtracks to FF games.
76. You tell people your group of freinds name is AVALANCH.
77. You write down EVERYTHING you do in FF and make it into a book.

Tiny Bronco 01-21-2006 09:48 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
78. You dig really big holes in your backyard looking for spirit energy.
79. If you won't go near any swamps for fear of the Midgar Solemn.
80. If you think there are only five contenents.
81. If you won't go into forests because you know bandits are waiting to ambush you.

Squall Leonhart 01-21-2006 10:00 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
82.You try to summon the Knights of the Round on cheese mistaking it to be the Cheese WEAPON.
83. You went to the FF Chicago concert
84. When you get into a fight, you let yourself get beaten within an inch of your life, confident that your Limit Break will defeat your enemy.
85. You name all of your characters by your own name just so you can tell people what you did.
86. You get cold feet during your wedding and jump from the top of the chapel, mistaken in the belief that a rather podgy pigeon is Valefor.
87. You die your hair blue, grow it WAY long, spike it out, then use countless bottles of hairspray on it.
88. You think you can walk over a swamp since you have on your feather boots but just get stuck.
89. You run around humming songs from FFs.

Tiny Bronco 01-21-2006 10:06 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
90. You try to morph all the cactuses in a desert mistaking them to be Cactuar thinking you'll get a bunch of Tetra Elements.
91. You stick you hand in an outlet to see if your bolt ring works.

Squall Leonhart 01-21-2006 10:13 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
92.You defeat a wolf (dog) and are puzzled when you don't gain Exp.
93. You're even more puzzeled that it doesn't drop any Gil or Items.
94. When visiting a high-profile casino, you immediately look the arcade.
95. You start planning to blow the moon to bits to finish the source of all monsters on earth.
96. You go to your local fountain in the park and look for aeris' materia.
97. You search for a T-Rexuar in your school gym.
98. You're short on cash for the ride home and decide to kill some stray cats and dogs for money.
99. You find yourself unable to pick up more than 99 of an item.
100. You get one hundred answers.

Tiny Bronco 01-21-2006 10:18 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
101. You make hacked files for FF PC versions.
102. You've memorized all the gameshark codes for all the FFs.
103. You make walkthroughs for FFs.

Squall Leonhart 01-21-2006 10:25 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
104. When you ask random people to join your blitzball team.
105. When you try to attach a red pom-pom to your cat.
106 When you cut of your cats tail and glue it to your "lower back" ;)
107. You wake up after 5 seconds of sleep expecting to be fully rested.
108. Whenever you sip from a drinking fountain, the words "HP/MP Restored" appear above your head.
109. You expect to find out of date games because you've learned Familiar skill.
110. After high school, you walk around expecting to get your SeeD payments.

Tiny Bronco 01-21-2006 10:31 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
Squall completely of topic but u can fight monsters to gain exp. On the hompage in the top right corner it says RPG. Clik it and at the bottom of the list theres monster arena.

Squall Leonhart 01-21-2006 11:09 PM

Re: you know you've been playing FFs too much when....
Thanks but I have more questions in the RPG hack forum.
111. You drown becuase you thought you could stay underwater for an entire game of Blitzball.

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