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XeroFF7 01-27-2005 01:51 PM

Blitz Ball
GREATEST MINI GAME EVER even better than choboco breeding

Gumdrop 01-27-2005 02:38 PM

its hard to say if i liked it more than than breeding becase I found both kinda boring :/ but if your talking about blitzball in ffx-2 then theres no challenge because chocobo breeding would win :P but ffx blitzball was ok I guess...

Lionheart97007 01-27-2005 02:51 PM

I agree. Blitzball is one of the greatet minigames ever. I played so much that I actually had 8 level 100 characters with all of their techcopy abilities as well as their tech find abilities. I have an awesome lineup:
LF: Tidus
RF: Wakka
MF: Mifurey
LD: Kulukan
RD: Ropp
GL: Nimrook
Bench: Brother
Bench: Nedus
I just prefer Nedus' speed and having the honor of keeping the retired Wakka on my team, than trading them for Isken and Larbeight. I have currently :eek: 412:13 logged on my game, and also, there have been so many trades in the blitzball league, that every character has all of there techs and are also level 100. Needless to say, some games are quite gruesome. My current project is to find a way to get Tidus to learn Auroch's spirit and get Wakka to learn Jecht Shot 1 & 2. I hear that Linna, the girl that can be found on frozen road near macalania temple, can tech find litterally every ability. So my idea is to sign her, have here tech find all 3 abilities, get rid of her, have her learn the abilities by playing her team over and over again using those techs, then tech finding those slots for Tidus and Wakka and wait for her to use them. I know it sounds crazy, but I think it has a possibility to work. Send me some ideas if anyone else has some. I also intend on some day signing players one at a time and unlocking every ability using tech find, just to even the playing field a bit more.

Lionheart97007 :p

;) P.S. Volley Shots are a b**ch to get, but I have pointers on getting any tech or any player (Nimrook) easily, just ask.

:rolleyes: P.P.S. A little trick that some people don't know is that if you have multiple players with the same number of goals scored, and are first place at the end of the tournament/season, you will recieve 2 of the top scorer prizes.

ShadowHeart 01-27-2005 03:50 PM

Blitzball was fun... until you got really good at it and had lots of great players. Then it got boring.

XeroFF7 01-27-2005 04:49 PM

they should make it a online game i had tidus's jet shot mach 3 and one else get it

FFnut 01-27-2005 05:21 PM

Tidus was my midfielder. Game starts. Tidus gets ball. Tidus swims to goal and gets blocked by at most three enemies. Break one. Unleash Jecht shot. Repeat.

ShadowHeart 01-27-2005 07:13 PM

As I said.. it gets boring. It's so repetitive in the long run. You win every single game so easily eventually.

Gumdrop 01-28-2005 09:46 AM

^thats why its not very good :P and its just football underwater -_-

ShadowHeart 01-28-2005 11:18 AM

Anyone wondered how they can all breathe underwater for so long? :)

Gumdrop 01-28-2005 11:37 AM

yeah I wondered that too o_o in the hidden ffx ending in the Japenese version Yuna says she has been learning to swim underwaterand has learnt to stay under for two minuets and x numer of seconds o_o

XeroFF7 01-28-2005 01:22 PM

see what i did was let the other team lvl up so they were just as good as me and then it got challenging
Also you can unlock so many shots
they were also trained to hold there breath underwater that is why u lose 1 hp every second

Mong00se 02-14-2005 11:58 PM

You know the blitz game that you have to play during your first visit to Luca? I was told that it's impossible to beat it, but i've beat it all three times I've played through, just like 1-0 or 2-1.
I never took an interest to Blitz really. I didn't understand and didn't want to uunderstand the logistics of it, so I just never played it. Because of that too, I never got Wakka's secret weapon or made him any good as a character.

Shaggy 02-15-2005 01:31 AM

Well I felt the same way. I was never really into the blitz ball either. But you are right, if it came out on its own and was an online deal, I would job all over it!

ShadowHeart 02-15-2005 03:42 AM

Hmm, I actually won that blitz game the first time I played it.. then I never managed to do it again, so I was probably just lucky. My brother on the other hand thinks it's easy heh.

XeroFF7 02-15-2005 01:48 PM

i won it 2 and i thought u should get lik a rare item but all u get is a cut scene of wakka with a big trophy

(note: its funny as hell when u make wakka hit himself with his own blitzball)

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