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Spiff 03-30-2005 01:36 PM

What are you doing behind the wheel?
In Michigan, the government says that driving is a privilege that can be taken away at any time because of abuse. While I agree that abusing that privilege, such as drunk driving, is grounds for a suspension or even a revoke, I have a problem with the ideology behind the privilege idea. (1) About a year ago my uncle sold a car to a handicapped person who could barely walk, he was worse (maybe a crack baby) but to get down to it he didn't look like he should be driving. What do you know, he had a license to drive, his motor functions have to be about zero yet he's allowed to drive. :confused:

(2) A handicapped man backs over his own mother, kills her and three months later is released because it turns out that he can't always control his muscles. Get this though, as he left the court building he was given his lincense back. Here you go kill someone else because we really can't stop you. :mad:

I guess I'm just a little upset right now about this issue but COME ON they just sent a man to prison for doing the same thing but he wasn't handicapped. When it comes down to it, since driving is a privilege not a right why is the government creating dangerous situations on the road. I don't know about anybody else but nowadays I'm a little bit more nervous on the road.

So, What does everyone else think, should you not be given a driver's license because you have a handicap?

~Hidan~ 03-31-2005 04:06 AM

I think that half the people on the raod these days should be taken off and given higher standards tests to make sure they are actually compident enough to drive, personally I have gone to sever advanced racing classes to make sure I am as safe as I can be on the road.

ShadowHeart 03-31-2005 04:48 AM

This is my personal opinion, but I think it's pretty damn weird that in the US, the government thinks you are mature enough to drive at 16 but not mature enough to drink until you're 21! That doesn't make any sense at all to me. Also, I heard that the practical tests to get the drivers license are stupidly easy and that a theoretical test is non-existant in at least most states.

In Sweden, you have to do a theoretical test, where the questions are randomly chosen among literally 1000s of questions, and a practical test where special people certified by the national road administration will test your driving capabilities in a number of ways (one thing they tend to do a lot is tell you to drive to a certain location, and if you make any small mistake on the way, you're basically screwed, and sometimes you also have to do a checkup on the car to make sure, for example, that the brakes are working before leaving and things like that). For example, I failed my first practical test, because I didn't slow down enough in some crossings (no, I wasn't just driving through, I was slowing down a lot, but the guy was very picky with details). I'm not saying Swedish drivers are any better than American ones, there are many bad drivers over here, but at least people can't get through without some effort.

I've heard "horror stories" that in the US, you only have to drive around the corner or the block and stop, and you've got your license. I don't know how true that is though. And I don't see how you can be mature enough for anything when you're 16 (no offense to anyone here who is around that age). Although, I know you value your cars and ability to drive a lot over there, so I guess that's why. Still doesn't make me feel like your roads are very safe with kids on the road (again, no offense).

As for your actual question, Spiff, Sephiroth said that higher standard tests would make sure that people are actually competent to drive. I completely agree with this :)

(and yes, I write too much .. )

Totorosama 09-23-2005 06:42 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?
Driving is a right. However, abuse that right and you risk losing it. It's sort of simple. You shouldn't be abusing the right in the first place. I think that suspensions should go for a longer period of time though.

Spiff 09-23-2005 07:36 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?
A right can not be taken away, a privilege can. You can't say driving is a right that can be taken away if abused because that could open the box for any right to be taken away.

Shaggy 09-23-2005 09:03 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?
Shadow, what I don't get, is that here in the US, if your are 18, you are thought of as an adult , tried as an adult and have all the responsiblities as an adult, but still cannot drink. Now that is funny..:)

Well, here is a good example of our goverment on drivers test. My grandpa is 87 years old. He can barely walk, barley see, and his reaction time is horrible. He took a driving test. Ran 2 lights and failed to yeild several times, and the idot driving instructor passed him.. Ha Ha Ha. It goes to show you how bad the system is. It all has to do money.

They now are puttng the expiration dates of DL's expiring in 50 years. Mine expires in 2047. Money is the main factor in this by far!

Coelie 09-26-2005 03:13 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?
So....much....trouble for a lowzy drivers license....I'm 4 years away from my 1st driving the **** should be lucky to have a driving license....when it's -05 degrees centigrade I gotta ride 5 km to school while you guys can take the car ! that really ***....oh but I totally agree abt setting higher standards to driving.

Totorosama 10-30-2005 05:36 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?

Originally Posted by Spiff
A right can not be taken away, a privilege can. You can't say driving is a right that can be taken away if abused because that could open the box for any right to be taken away.

Thanks for the correction. I suppose you're right.

Originally Posted by Coelie
I totally agree abt setting higher standards to driving.

Also, what Shaggy said is kind of sad. It's really ridiculous. That's the world for you.

Zeromus_X 10-30-2005 06:14 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?
im just gonna take the bus..^^;;...

Totorosama 11-02-2005 07:24 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?

Originally Posted by Zeromus_X
im just gonna take the bus..^^;;...

That's what I'm going to do also. Much more cost efficient and good for the environment.

wimsi 11-16-2005 05:45 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?
i think in austria the situation is better a lot.

you've got 20 driving lessons, a lot of theoretical stuff to learn and until you passed the theoretical test youre not allowed to make the practical.

i made the theoretical test 100 % right... ok, i practised every day i think 2 or 3 hours... for 2 and a half week.

also in austria you had to be 18 to get the license.

nowadays that's changed a little bit... we've got the "L17", where you can start the driving lessons with 16, and youre allowed to drive a car (but only with an adult on the passengers seat). and when youre 17 you make the test...

but still there are a lot of crazy folks on the streets of austria. i hate that

ShadowHeart 11-16-2005 06:15 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?
We have basically the exact same system in Sweden. Have to pass the theoretical test before you're allowed to take the practical, 18 years minimum to get the license.. and you can start practicing driving when you're 16 in the company of say one of your parents (you can only practice driving with a person you've applied to be able to practice with, so you can't just go practice with anyone).

wimsi 11-18-2005 12:33 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?
my oh my, it was a crazy day!
when i left home today to drive to work, it just started snowing! ok, there was no snow on the street, so it was no problem, but when i was on my way home, sometimes i was really fightended!
my car still has the summer-tires on and i had to drive over a mountain and through a valley in deep snow... it was really weird. my max. speed was about 60 km/h
i'm really glad to be at home now!!

Phoenix Flame 11-25-2005 02:13 PM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?

Originally Posted by Sephiroth
I think that half the people on the raod these days should be taken off and given higher standards tests to make sure they are actually compident enough to drive, personally I have gone to sever advanced racing classes to make sure I am as safe as I can be on the road.

I agree - I think if we gave a mandatory test which tested someone's IQ, we'd get nearly half these idiots off the road who are causing fatal accidents. I'm in chicago, and in one of our suburbs this Wednesday someone tried to go around the gates at a R/R crossing creating a 15 car demolition derby - only no one signed up for that class! Idiots!

dappa 12-21-2006 10:46 AM

Re: What are you doing behind the wheel?
Its for these reasons mentioned in this thread and many other reasons why I will never learn to drive a car.

The idea behind driving is that everyone is gonna be responsible and stick to the rules while driving. The reality is you've got all these idiots on the road who shouldn't be driving.

I'm a very nervous person and cant get it out of my head the fact that some idiot could be driving near me and is contemplating a dangerous manouver.

And dont get me started on reckless pedestrians who run into the road without looking.

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