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Zeromus_X 10-01-2005 03:31 AM

ff4 for gba
go to very much anticipating this. as you (might) know, ff4 brings alot of memories to me, and id love to play it remade, especially if its hard type. it comes out in december though...the perfect x-mas present :p

Max the Man 10-01-2005 06:45 PM

Re: ff4 for gba
Really? I didn't know that. I don't need it though, it'll probably be the exact same thing as Chronicles... Oh well...

PS: Almost there... (talking about posts)

Zeromus_X 10-01-2005 07:49 PM

Re: ff4 for gba
they could add bonus stuff, like in dawn of souls...i just hope they dont make it so ridiculously easy like DoS. (i beat the ff1 in that game in 1 day. 1 day!! my hands really hurt alot after, but still, 1 day!! :D

ShadowHeart 10-02-2005 08:43 AM

Re: ff4 for gba
Well, FF1 is a fairly short game compared to the PS1/2 FF games..

Zeromus_X 10-03-2005 05:59 PM

Re: ff4 for gba
yeah, i knew that :D , but they really did make it easier.

-added mp. (instead of certain amount of magic use per level.)
-max level 99.
-added in phoenix downs, elixirs, ethers, etc.
-save anywhere
-b button dash.
-secret dungeon treasures...

im sure theres more, but you know what im talking about , right? :)

ShadowHeart 10-03-2005 06:57 PM

Re: ff4 for gba
Holy shit, FF1 may even be easy with all that. At least the original anad Origins on Normal mode (same as original) is a little challenging at times ;)

Zeromus_X 10-03-2005 08:28 PM

Re: ff4 for gba
origins on easy is harder than this :p thats why i was a little dissapointed in DoS. Origins is much better.

Zeromus_X 10-04-2005 05:01 PM

Re: ff4 for gba
i just thought of some more:

-items, spells, and equipment are cheaper. (that gold armor or whatever its called in elfland is like, half off. )

-you dont need to use exit in the chaos temple, theres a warp pad.(in the nes one, i never got exit...i had to go right on through the temple in one shot :D )

-you have the option of forgetting a spell.(useful..if you want exit^^;;)

-way too easy to level up. as soon as you get fire 2(fira), just go the the provoka peninsula). plus, enemies give more exp, and you need less to level up. of course, the level standards are higher, but even so..i got to the 20s before the marsh cave. (the most irritaiting dungeon of all time.)even easier if you abuse the treasure chest traps :D

-although they made the bosses have more hp, that still doesnt help...chaos has 20,000 in DoS, and his curaja(cure 4) can only recover 9999.

by repeatiatly going through the secret wind dungeon(which has like, 40 or so basements^ ^;), i leveled up all my people to the 90s. i think after a certain point, the exp you need to level up doesnt increase. (like dragon quest 3!) im sure the person who bought my game used is very happy...

i think i covered them all... but yeah, the game is way too easy.

ShadowHeart 10-05-2005 05:43 AM

Re: ff4 for gba

Originally Posted by Zeromus_X
-way too easy to level up. as soon as you get fire 2(fira), just go the the provoka peninsula). plus, enemies give more exp, and you need less to level up. of course, the level standards are higher, but even so..i got to the 20s before the marsh cave.

That peninsual is in the original too. My first time through FF1 original, I didn't level up there. Now that I think about it, I don't understand how I made it through Marsh Cave and Earth Cave (among other places) alive lol.

LoKuS 11-04-2005 12:17 AM

Re: ff4 for gba
Best believe im getting this.

Black Mage 12-12-2005 09:35 PM

Re: ff4 for gba
I seriously think Final Fantasy 4 is the best old Final Fantasy game. Or maybe thats just because i like to play as paladines lol. But really does anyone agree with me?

Zeromus_X 12-15-2005 10:46 PM

Re: ff4 for gba
ffIV was the first ff i played, and i used to say it was my favorite at the drop of a hat, but i just love all the ff games (up to ten) too much, i couldn't decide. but i definitely am gettin all the remakes for the gba...i cant wait :p :D

changed things in the remake: you can switch out party members in this remake. (making the final dungeon as hard or easy as you want!) plus, a secret dungeon in mt. ordeals has "ultimate weapons" for yang, palom, parom, gilbert, and cid. (although...will it really help the "spoony bard"?) :D

kain_highjumper 02-24-2006 03:51 AM

Re: ff4 for gba
Final Fantasy IV And V is the funniest old games i think...

LoneWolf 03-30-2006 08:27 AM

Re: ff4 for gba
Sweet, sounds like I'm gonna be buyin something this december. One question though ultimate weapon for yang that early in the game when you get him back for quite a while later in it?

Zeromus_X 03-30-2006 09:58 PM

Re: ff4 for gba
Well, it's already out in America. (Though I don't know when the release date is for the rest of the world.) I've already maxed out everyone and done all the optional stuff :P

Yang's ultimate weapon? Do you mean after you get him back? Well, there's one in the Cave of Trials, one in a shop in the Lunar Ruins, and his Lunar Trial weapon. (Least to greatest, in that order.) Of course, you he can equip two claws, so you may want to equip his 'Hand of the Gods' and the other ultimate weapon he has for great attack power.

Note: For whatever reason, Yang's HP will stop growing normally when it hits 6,009. I wonder why...Meh. Cid's HP will be at 9,999 before level 99 :cool:

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