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nmnjji 01-04-2008 12:13 AM

Powerleveling and Vanish/Doom
Where is the best place to powerlevel your characters? Also, does anyone know the bosses that Vanish/Doom does not work on?

More specifically, My characters are around 18 i want to get them to around 40 ...where are some good places ?

Phoenix Flame 01-04-2008 03:55 AM

Re: Powerleveling and Vanish/Doom

If you are level 18...I'm assuming you are still in the WoB. If so, go to the island you find Gogo at later on (in the WoR) You'll find monsters that you can get quite a bit o MP for to level up your spells - I think they give pretty good Exp too.

...others know more about this than I would. But it might help get more response if you say where you are at in the game... Personally, I waited until the floating continent until I powerleveled, but you COULD wait until later and get better Esper bonuses at level-ups. Your choice.

Zeromus_X 01-06-2008 07:29 PM

Re: Powerleveling and Vanish/Doom
In the SNES version, every boss can be Vanish/Doomed, except for the final bosses. I think there's a handful that can't be Vanished (and therefore, can't be instant-killed in that way), like WrexSoul, but there aren't many.

If you're at the end of the WoB (those levels sounds about right), I guess the Floating Continent. Ideally, I'd suggest just not wasting time leveling at all yet, but if you want to, Floating Continent.

Later on there are much better places to level up if you want, and you'll have much better Espers for better stat boosts.

dappa 01-08-2008 11:54 AM

Re: Powerleveling and Vanish/Doom
I usually go for the floating continent for my powerlevelling, dont forget to mug the behemoths there for nice relics

Other places I visit in wob to powerlevell is the cave which leads to the espers world.

nmnjji 01-10-2008 03:59 AM

Re: Powerleveling and Vanish/Doom
Thanks for the replies....I am proud to say I have finally beat the game for the first time.... I also think this is the best game in the series hands down ( I wasn't to hot on the roll call at the end of the game, too lengthy) but other than that it's neraly perfect. Since it's frersh in my mind Im going for a low level run now :)

Thanks for your help

seandenniel 09-26-2011 04:43 PM

Re: Powerleveling and Vanish/Doom
I guess the Floating Continent. Ideally, I'd suggest just not wasting time leveling at all yet, but if you want to, Floating Continent.

sanaeerumey 10-25-2018 09:07 AM

Re: Powerleveling and Vanish/Doom

Originally Posted by nmnjji (Post 110359)
Thanks for the replies....I am proud to say I have finally beat the game for the first time.... I also think this is the best game in the series hands down ( I wasn't to hot on the roll call at the end of the game, PhenQ Diet Pills too lengthy) but other than that it's neraly perfect. Since it's frersh in my mind Im going for a low level run now :)

Thanks for your help

It was market by that frersh and making the game on peak (Y)

Schumacher 11-01-2018 03:48 AM

Re: Powerleveling and Vanish/Doom
I have finally beat the game for the first time too

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