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~Hidan~ 10-16-2009 12:41 AM









Combat Orientation: (Fighter, Mage, Healer, Rogue, Ranger, Monk.)



~Hidan~ 10-16-2009 12:48 AM

Re: Characters
Name: Nari Obasu

Age: 19

Sex: F

Height: 5'

Weight: 98lbs

Race: Quin-Jin (Quin-Jin blood Sect Rengan, a rare blood type that comes with a special occular power known as Rengan. Thought to be extinct, the eyes of one of Rengan are blue at birth, but when one becomes awoken a snowflake design replaces the normal Iris)

Hair: Blond, short pixie cut

Eyes: Blue

Combat Orientation: Rogue (Ninja)

Weapons: Twin Black Daggers

Story: Nari is a thief by trait. She has spent most of her life hiding in the remnants of her home country, hunted by soldiers, stealing what she can to survive. She recently fled her country after her brother was killed, taking only the clothes on her back and her brothers Twin Daggers with her. She seeks reveng on those that have destoryed her country and holds tightly to the key that unlocks the castle gates.

Nari is a short elfish looking girl with cute looks and a face that can get her out of any trouble, her quick wit and calculating mind keep her ready for anything.

rissole25 10-16-2009 11:21 PM

Re: Characters
Name: Jayden Duba

Age: 20

Sex: M

Height: 6'1

Weight: 135lbs

Race: Ortin

Hair: Light Brown hair, short and messy

Eyes: Green

Combat Orientation: Ranger

Weapons: Bow & Arrows

Story: Jayden was only 10 when his whole race was wiped out by the Tangi Wizards. He was out hunting with his father's bow in the woods when it happened. When he walked back to his home, there was nothing there. All he saw was a razed field and some structures barely standing.

Later that day, Jayden was found by some Quin-Jin scouts. The Quin-Jin decided to raise him as he had no-one else. Jayden grew up hating magic and to this day still hates it. He is looking for his friend Nari after she went fled the country.

TherathxRikku 10-28-2009 09:30 PM

Re: Characters
Name: Therath

Age: 19

Sex: M

Height: 6:3

Weight: 127 lbs.

Race: Al Bhed

Hair: Blood Red

Eyes: Green

Combat Orientation: Rogue, Samurai

Weapons: Twin Daggers, Desert Eagle Pistol and Katana

Story: (Will post later)

~Hidan~ 10-30-2009 07:10 PM

Re: Characters
Interesting, I'll pass this character. Just be carefull how much you count on the pistol ok.

TherathxRikku 10-31-2009 03:45 AM

Re: Characters
Honestly, the pistol sounds like an emergency weapon for me. I've used a Desert Eagle before and DAMN! lol

But I've got the bio circling around in my head, but I need to read the actual story before actually deciding on it. >_>

clief101_ 11-01-2009 11:32 AM

Re: Characters
Name: Clief (last name unknown atm)

Age: 21

Sex: M

Height: 6'

Weight: 78kg (dont know in lbs sorry)

Race: Tyen

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: hard to explain so bear with me. there is no white in them, so dark blue on the outside then gets lighter and lighter till it gets to the pupil, which is white.

Combat Orientation: umm....fighter? but can use advanced magic

Weapons: A diamond sword (can summon a diamond dragon to aid in battle) on his back under his coat, and a steel sword at his hip.

Story: As a young boy, he lived on a sucluded island with the small race of tyens. one day, when out in the forrest, the Quin-Jin attacked to small island in fear of the tyen race. Clief tried to come to aid of his dragon summoning race and tried to help, but his hidden powers unlocked in the battle and didnt remember a thing. he washed up on the main land and had to fend for himself. the next time we see him, he has entered a tournament at the age of 21, where he meets his comrades.

~Hidan~ 11-08-2009 01:15 AM

Re: Characters
good we have four now, should be a good story, start posting up. Sry i've been away, computer is a little messed up.

~Hidan~ 11-23-2009 02:22 PM

Re: Characters
sry I've been inactive guys, but why hasnt anyone else posted?

rissole25 11-24-2009 04:18 AM

Re: Characters
Should I post now or wait till someone else posts?

clief101_ 11-28-2009 01:51 AM

Re: Characters
sorry i bin away for a while, bin a bit busy :(.

do we start posting the story? coz if we do, i think u should start sephiroth with your character, seeing as it is kinda based around her i would gues?

rissole25 11-28-2009 06:50 AM

Re: Characters
Well Sephiroth and I have already posted our parts of the story so I'm just waiting for someone else to start there story with there character.

TherathxRikku 11-28-2009 04:46 PM

Re: Characters
Really sorry, guys, I've been inactive due to my crappy internet, but I should be able to post soon.

rissole25 12-01-2009 05:19 AM

Re: Characters
Its cool. I may be not as active as much for a while since I think I downloaded a virus onto my labtop. It freezes at the windows XP logo at the start and restarts so its basically a loop.

I'm using the family computer which is slow so yea...

I know it was completely off-topic but i just wanted to explain it.

So Therath, I'll just wait till you post your story and then i'll post again :)

~Hidan~ 12-02-2009 06:26 PM

Re: Characters
Cool cool, I'll be trying to post a bit more now, life isnt in chaos ^_^

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