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XxAuron.GaurdxX 07-04-2007 01:08 PM

The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
An interesting topic.

I do agree but depends on the crime, if you kill someone (purposly) then you deserve the death penalty, a life for a life i say!

dappa 07-04-2007 06:07 PM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
Its a hard one this one

The state is the one that is meant to be setting the example so

If the state kills you for killing someone then the state has dropped to the level of the person who committed the crime.

Oops I double posted!

EDIT: Posts merged. No death penalty for you! XD

Spec Highwind 07-04-2007 06:25 PM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
no death penalty, IMO =)

Luis 07-04-2007 08:06 PM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
I'm against death penalty. Life itself is so worthy to end with it like that, despite someone has killed or done horrible things. When killing a person you become a killer. No matter whether it's a Government or an individual.

Death penalty is such a ridiculous thing for me. Jail is a good option by the other side... lol

Kat 07-04-2007 10:15 PM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
in my all depends on how bad your crime is.
i think that a couple years of rotting in jail for a murder is a little pathetic--if you know what i mean, something unforgivable like that.
but i guess to be honest.
im right in between agreeing and not agreeing.
since its a little hard for me to explain.
im just a kid, lol.

Fenrir 07-07-2007 01:45 PM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
I don't know it's kinda hard to decide. But what I say is if the crime is like so unbelievable, like Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Ed Gean I say let them rot in hell were they belong. Also if the crime is super bad like they kill people for no reason or they kill lots and lots of people and wasn't found of killing those people until several years later. But if the crime is like murder by accident or you really didn't want to kill that person but you had to for your life or someone else life i say let them free or if they don't agree with that just let them rot in jail ( I'm not trying to be harsh but that's better than getting death penalty. ) I can keep going on and on, but i'n gonna end the post here. :)

zen la 07-07-2007 04:41 PM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
take this scenario (NOT SERIOUS) there was a murder horrific one deserves life in jail or death penalty but you were the prime suspect the case was solved you did it so they gave you the death penalty. months later the police have new evidence you were not the killer somebody else was. they cant do nothing about it your gone so the death penalty was the murdurer. i dont think it should be enforced life in prison let them suffer thats a far worse punishment than immediate death!

Shinra Soldier 1 08-27-2007 11:40 AM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
I say an eye for an eye! No matter what the crime

Bonesplitter 02-17-2008 12:31 AM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
i say yes do the death penalty
if someone kills someone eles just because they can should be killed
i makes me mad. a guy rapes and killes an 8 year old girl only gets 10 years...
iif i could i would make his death the most painfulest death i could think of....cause as soon as he gets out hes going to do the same thing

i say if you kill someone i love or something like that...i'll kill you back. i think its stupid that all these people that killes other people are only serving 10 to 40 years...getting to go to a place where they get fed every day, a place to sleep...i agree with Shinra Soldier 1 "I say an eye for an eye! No matter what the crime"

Doctor 02-18-2008 03:44 AM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
Capital punishment.. one of the worst kinds of cruelty that can be inflicted on a human being.

Using death to punish a killer who should just rot in prison for the rest of his life is also quite an idiotic thing to do, in my opinion..

Indigo Truth 04-11-2008 11:01 AM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
Difficult question, and yes i do agree with it. I agree that the punishment for taking someones life should be your own life, maybe that way people will get it into their heads that things come right back around to you and damn then come at some force


Leon 04-11-2008 02:30 PM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
I agree support death sentence but only for killers and rapers. if you live to end people's existence then you are disrespectful to your own and should not have it

As barbaric as it may seem here's a point of view that interested me, in saudi arabia still reigns the punishment of theft by cutting the robber's hands; s.a. being a very spiritual country, their idea is that he is using god's gift for wicked work so he doesn't deserve it. so anyway, yeah i heard it's extremely effective and that s.a has one of the lowest theft ratios @ the entire world despite the fact that many shopkeepers leave their stores empty and open at prayer time

i put myself in place of a robber in that situation and what i learnned enlightened me!
here were my thoughts:
"ok, so i'm in front of an open and empty jewelry shop; what stops me from snatching just a few while no one's looking and finaly be rich for the rest of my life! but if i ever get caught that means my hands will be cut off -gulp-; no money in the world can buy me those. is it really worth the risk of living every remaining day like that? and for what price?"

then instataneously i realized the answere. and that what i would actually do is risk a more important element in my life for something so less beneath it. to hell with money, id rather find a job and live honest

*end of theory*

so there, that was what i learnned from contemplating that rule! and i want to stress endlessly that my conclusion wasnt out of fear, but wisdom

Arkacia 05-01-2008 09:12 AM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
My opinion on this changes to suit the circumstances of whatever crime I'm hearing about. On one hand, I'll hear of a child raped and murdered, and want the person responsible to not only die, but die slowly and painfully. Then I'll hear of a battered woman who finally killed the monster who beat her up every other day sitting on death row and feel deeply that she doesn't deserve it. Other scenarios either have me for or against the death penalty as well, depending on what is behind the crime.

As my opinion on this subject varies, I don't have a clear 'yes' or 'no' answer for it.

Leon 05-07-2008 05:45 AM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
i think the question is if crime punishment should go as far as death sentence or not, of course in the 2nd case u described a light judgement would be issued (no more than a few years in prison i think). But from what i understand of your post, u agree that some crimes deserve the death sentence.

as for which crimes specifically, that's up for the system to decide; because if all kilers were executed all the same, there wouldnt be really a need for a court trial :p

Nemo12 05-10-2008 01:45 PM

Re: The Death Penalty - Do you agree with it?
I...don't. I know people can do some seriously screwed up things, but everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves. Killing them will take that away. I'd love to see my enemies change into better people rather than slaughtered, personally.

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