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Eru Iluvatar 08-19-2006 06:47 PM

I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
Check them out part 1 part 2


Spec Highwind 08-19-2006 07:05 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
I agree with that fighting system stuff... I'm playing FF11... and I do like the battling system AS AN ONLINE GAME! But I can't imagine a solo game with that battling system...

And... How will we play a final fantasy without Nobuo's songs? :(

EDIT: WHAT???????? NO VICTORY FANFARE?!?!?!!?!?!?? I'm going to die :mad: :mad: :mad:

EDIT2: I'm with almost everything you said... I've played Dragon Warrior... and it was a good game... but Enix's RPGs are COMPLETELY different from the ones from Squaresoft... OUR old Square...

ave 08-21-2006 06:48 AM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
well i think ff11 and ff12 are kind of lame but thats me i only think i will play up to x-2 :)

Zeromus_X 08-21-2006 09:57 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
Many FF games had soundtracks not composed by Uematsu. All the old people have left. It's time to move on. Honestly, what good will it do to whine about 'oh, it'll never be the way it once was..." Of course not! Sakaguchi has even said that he likes how the series is always changing and evolving. You don't honestly want to sit through the same random encounter crap with a different sugar coating every single game, do you? Of course, they've planned to make a real-time game since FFX, but that turned out more like the older games, mechanically.

FFXII is not like an MMORPG. Where does this misconception come from? And you don't control one person, you control three at a time (the other two are usually on Gambit so they're controlled by the AI).

The team that made FFXII also made Vagrant Story and the Final Fantasy Tactics games, so story and soundtrack won't be an issue. And really, we have Gilgamesh, and Zeromus is a Summon. I'm not seeing anything to hate this game before I play it.

Edit: The Victory Fanfare plays when you defeat a boss.

Spec Highwind 08-22-2006 09:02 AM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future

Originally Posted by Zeromus_X
You don't honestly want to sit through the same random encounter crap

I do!

and I really hated Final Fantasy Tactics

Zeromus_X 08-22-2006 03:31 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
Okay, then what is so incredibly horrible about these changes that the series is just going to collapse on itself?

Spec Highwind 08-22-2006 03:43 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
One of the things I like in RPGs is Random Encounters... and Nobuo Uematsu is my favourite musician

Zeromus_X 08-22-2006 03:55 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
Not all RPGs have random encounters, and not all RPGs have Nobuo composing the soundtrack. That doesn't make them automatically bad. Nobuo has not composed the music for all the Final Fantasies anyway, it isn't like he's completely necessary.

And anyway, you haven't played the game. You cannot judge it if you haven't played it. I just don't understand what the big deal is. Things will change over time, and the FF series is certainly no exception. It isn't like all the games will be like this from now on, so you don't need to worry about that.

Spec Highwind 08-22-2006 04:01 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future

Originally Posted by Zeromus_X
It isn't like all the games will be like this from now on, so you don't need to worry about that.

I'm thinking that way

Staircase 08-22-2006 04:05 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
Yes, final fantasy 12 has a very, very different fighting system, but i got the FF12 demo and its not all that bad. I, in my personal opinion, like it alot. It will take some time to get used to, but it is good. Hopefully youll get to play it soon. Really the only thing that angred me, is that after i got so far on the demo, i got a MISSION COMPLETE SCREEN!!!!!!! I was angry as hell. But im sure the FF series will change depending on the fans. If nobody likes this battle system, im sure they will go back to random battles or try and incorperate a new system.

Zeromus_X 08-22-2006 04:22 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
FFXIII will have a variant of the ATB system, so that's something to think about if you absolutely can't stand XII's system. But I enjoy it greatly.

And of course...Crystals!!

Eru Iluvatar 08-23-2006 05:57 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
we will all talk again when we will have played the game

Spec Highwind 08-24-2006 05:29 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
OMG! =D Crystals? Are you serious???

another bad point: The Summons... no Bahamut, Shiva, Ifrit, or Ramuh

Zeromus_X 08-24-2006 05:36 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
Well, the Tactics team is working on it, so I can't object to the Totema being used again.

Or Zeromus. Or Exodus/X-Death, or Ultima, or Chaos.

Staircase 08-24-2006 05:53 PM

Re: I talk on these videos about FF12 and FF series' future
I agree totaly with the facts you are presenting. Its a totaly different game, and if we wanted a different game we would go buy one. Alot of people here are also FF Fanatics (like me) and it is going to be hard to get used to. And i agree totaly that the square enix games have been alot less fun than the Soft ones. But i have one question.

Have you seen the gameplay in action?

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