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Crazi 04-05-2006 04:13 PM

just wanted to know if any of ya'll have defeated penance or nemesis yet ..and if so ...what kind of set up did you have ... and long did it take you to get there? cuz from looking at their health .. a nice cool 100 mil ... (i think),it seems daunting. >_< plz post ur thoughts. oh and i'm new here so hi all! :D

Zeromus_X 04-05-2006 09:28 PM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
Hiya! I'm pretty sure Nemesis has like 10 Million, but I'm not too entirely sure about Penance, I don't have the version of the game with him in it. :P

As for how to defeat it...I haven't done so, but this person does xD

I'm sure there are many guides on Penance on the internet, so, I guess try Gamefaqs, unless someone else here has actually beaten him, I suppose they could give you help :)

Avathar 04-06-2006 06:56 AM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
:p Ah, geez, with Zanmato, you're literally invincible in FFX (and a friend of mine also found a way to get lots of money quickly, so :rolleyes: although it's been a while since i've played it myself :D ...

ThroneofDravaris 04-06-2006 09:38 AM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
With a maxed out party, Nemesis is easy. Period.
Penance is a pain, but once you work out the trick to beating him you'll take him down with a 100% success rate.

Crazi 04-06-2006 11:55 AM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
lol ok, well thx guys. still actually get my part maxed is gonna take me forever .. i have most of their ultimate wepons, (my squad is usually tidus,auron,lulu) all with ultimate wepons ... but getting their health maxed is my main concern, u know how i can get wings to discovery easily? .. i heard malboros were good for them ..

Zeromus_X 04-06-2006 09:21 PM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
Yes, use Bribe on a Malboro for 540,000 gil for 4 Wings to Discover, and 1,280,000 gil on a Great Malboro for 8. :) Needless to say, they aren't easy to obtain. What ability do you get from them? ^^;; (I forgot...:P) How I bet money for bribing, I go to Omega Ruins with Rikku's weapon, Godhand, which has Millionaire on it, although any Millionaire weapon will do. (You need Designer Wallets for it, I believe.) It's just easier to get Rikku's Ultimate Weapon instead. I fight the Mimic enemies, which normally give 50,000 Gil apiece, now 100,000 a pop. That's the fastest way I make money, don't know if there's a better way :D

Crazi 04-10-2006 07:52 PM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
Wings to discovery are for break HP limit, essential for dark aeons and such. And thanx for the money tips! i'm reeling in the cash now =D

Zeromus_X 04-10-2006 07:57 PM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
Y'know, wouldn't it be alot easier to just get everyone's Celestial Weapon? :confused:

Crazi 04-10-2006 08:06 PM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
ye, i s'pose it would.. . but i only really use the 3 in my squad, maybe i'll go do that before i tackle penance and nemesis.

Lokzor 04-25-2006 04:29 PM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
Isn't Penance supposed to be Lady Yunalesca's final aeon?

And where's Nemesis found? Is that only in the International Edition?

Alter Slash 04-27-2006 04:23 PM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
who the H311 is penace? i thought that was what biran and yenke said to repay kimarhi(sorry i spelled name wrong)

Zeromus_X 04-27-2006 05:51 PM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
Nemesis is a monster arena boss, the most powerful, and he's in every version of FFX.

Penance is in the PAL and International versions of FFX, and he's the most powerful optional boss of 'em all. (Although, due to the CTB system, nothing's really too difficult if you fight correctly...) I believe he appears as an airship location after you defeat all the Dark Aeons. (Also in PAL/International versions.)

For the rest of the information, you know where to look. ;)

ThroneofDravaris 04-28-2006 09:56 AM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
Break HP Limit is a waste of time against Penance, as you'll be far better off with Auto Protect, Defence +20%, Auto Haste and Auto Potion.

Zeromus_X 04-28-2006 11:24 AM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
Oh, I thought you said 'Break Damage Limit". :p Yeah, most people think that Break HP Limit is a waste of time. (Since there are many other things that would help you more, and there aren't too many attacks that go over 9,999 damage used by enemies.)

There was a list somewhere...

Vincent 05-21-2006 05:07 PM

Re: Penance/Nemesis
i didnt fought it, but why dont u use magus sisters and bahamut?
theyre just f*ckin great :P

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