Thread: Multi-FF Trivia
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Old 03-06-2006, 02:30 PM   #130
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Squall Lionheart
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Arrow Re: Multi-FF Trivia

Originally Posted by Squall Lionheart
1- What kept Laguna from returning to Raine in Winhill after saving Ellone?
2-What is Moon Cry?
3-Why can Gardens Fly?
4-Why is Garden the best of the Gardens despite its low resources?
5-What was the point of Galdibia attacking Dollet?
6-What was the real reason behind the start of Sorceress War II?

Originally Posted by Zeromus_X
FFVIII. If you couldn't tell by now, SL likes FFVIII. But you should be able to tell by his name and sig.

Anyway, I can only sort-of answer some of those questions...

1- He was protecting her from the Estharians? Or he got caught in the struggle against Adel? Both? I don't know if I can pinpoint it...

2-The phenomenon where alot of monsters go to one spot of the moon to "fall" to Earth. Or something. Using the Crystal Pillar in Lunatic Pandora seems to attract them.

3-Because....they can? is? I don't know. Maybe because all of the most powerful (or skilled) people are there? (You mean Balamb, right?)

5-...I don't exactly know.

6- To capture Ellone? Well, I know she was very important to it..

Well, I'm not really an FFVIII expert anyway. Nice questions though!
Not bad at all.....but these were just a few questions from the top of my mind....I haven't put alot of thought into here are the answers:
1-He got busy since being elected as Esthar's president after defeating sorceress Adel....
2-Moon cry or Lunar cry is the phenomena of monsters falling from the moon on the planet, a very rare incident said to have destroyed the ancient Centra civlisation....strongly related to the light pillar which boosts the effect when used at Tears point in combination with the Lunatic Pandora......
3-It's simpler than what it looks, because Gardens were built on ancient Centra shields which ancient Centra people used as a transportation and a protection from Lunar cries.............
4-Because it's the only Garden researching the use of GF in conjunction with para-magic which amplifies one's strengh to very high their units SeeD are the best unique fighting force.......
5-Since sealing sorceress Adel, all radio frequencies were scrambeled due to the enormous energy & gravitational equilibrium used to seal her great powers so evreyone used then underground cables which aren't reliable because they get cut alot in battles or by Galdibia needed an efficient way to have communication worldwide with other territories, so their plan was to invade Dollet & get a hold of their communication tower which the powerfull signals cannot be interupted.....
6-Close enough....but the real reason was to look for a successor to inherit sorceress Adel's powers, so Ellone with her unique powers was the perfect candidate....

Well...I think that's enough questions for now........
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