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Old 07-13-2006, 07:48 PM   #17
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

2.5 Return to Mysidia and the Devil’s Road.

When you exit Mt. Ordeals, there’s something you should take note of. South of the mountian, there is a square-shaped bunch of trees surrounded by a forest. This is another Chocobo forest. (Like the one back near Baron.) You can catch a Chocobo here, but another thing to note is that there are also White Chocobos. If you talk to them, they restore your MP. (This wasn’t an issue back in Baron.) Also, since you will probably have Gysahl (Gysahl Greens) with you, you should check the square spot at the upper part of the forest. A text box will appear, saying that it smells like Chocobos, and an item menu will prompt you to use an item. If you use a Gysahl, the Fat Chocobo will appear.

What exactly does this Fat Chocobo do? It can swallow (yes, swallow) your items and keep them in it’s stomach for safe-keeping. Why on earth would you want to do this? Well, later in the game, you will obtain or buy many items. The item menu can only reserve so many spaces for items at once, even using ‘Sort’ to clean out the menu. So, you can give the items you don’t use anymore or equip to the Fat Chocobo. You can also retrieve items from the Chocobo (don’t want to know how they ‘retrieve’ them, either...). It’s basically an item bank.

Anyway, the Chocobo can ride you back to Mysidia, or you can walk, and get more Gil and Experience. Either way.

Once you get back, the villagers are surprised that you passed the test! Can’t blame them for that either. You weren’t the nicest of guys before, right? Cecil can also equip that awesome Paladin equipment you couldn’t equip before. I recommend purchasing all of it. Sell off all unecessary (Dark Knight and otherwise) equipment and if you still don’t have enough, I’d stroll back to Mt. Ordeals. But you should have enough from selling and just going through the mountain once.

When you’re done shopping, stop by the elder’s house again and speak to him. He is also surprised Cecil succeeded. Embarrassed, the elder admits he sent the twins to spy on you. (With good reason.) Of course, it turned out there was no reason anyway.

The elder notices Cecil’s new sword, the Legend (Legend Sword). He asks where he found it. Cecil tells him about the voice on Mt. Ordeals and how he received the Legend Sword. The notices an inscription on the sword, which matches a Mysidian legend:

“One born of a dragon,
bearing darkness and light,
shall rise to the heavens
over the still land.

Bathing the moon in eternal
light, he brings a promise
to Mother Earth with bounty
and grace.”

Sounds good to me.

Cecil asks what the voice at Mt. Ordeals was, and why it called him son. The elder replies that he doesn’t know, nor does he know what the legend means. He says that the Mysidians, for generations have been told to pray for the fulfillment of the legend and to believe in the one with the sacred light. He belives Cecil might be that one.

Just then, Tellah interrupts them, saying they must go hurry to defeat Golbez. The elder finally notices him, and the Tellah says it’s been awhile. The twins say that they met him on Mt. Ordeals, and that he learned Meteo. The elder is shocked, and seconds the spell being too dangerous. Tellah could care less, and only wants to avenge Anna, and will kill Golbez at any cost.

Cecil says that nevertheless, they must get to Baron. The elder opens up the Devil’s Road, a dimensional passage that connects Baron to Mysidia. It was sealed shut after the raid, but the elder trusts that Cecil can traverse it safely. The elder then goes to the Tower of Prayer. (You can also reach it now, by going to the back of the Crystal Chamber.)

The elder tells the twins to return to their studies. The twins ask that they still accompany Cecil, and say that he wanted them to help him in the first place. The elder allows Porom and Palom to stay with the party.

To reach the ‘Devil’s Road’, you must go to the uppermost house on the east side of Mysidia. Inside is a teleporter, which will transport you through the dimensional road to a teleporter in Baron. (Which, will also be open of course for you to travel freely.) Beware, it does lower your party’s HP somewhat, but it isn't that much to worry about.

When you’re ready, go through the Devil’s Road back to Baron. It’s payback time!

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 07-13-2006 at 08:01 PM.
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