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Old 08-06-2006, 12:27 PM   #53
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

((Continued from last section))

In this chamber, walk up and then go right through the obvious false wall. Open up the chest in the enclosure for a Protect (Protect Ring). Equip this on anyone you see fit, I gave it to Edge for his lack of really great equipment. After that, go through the false wall at the right of this enclosure, then go down, left, down, and right to get out of the wall. Then go down, and open the chest on the outside ledge for another monster-in-a-box. It contains a Behemoth, and you’ll get Crystal (Crystal Armor) for Cecil afterwards. Now, go back into that chamber. Then go up, up some stairs, and you’ll be outside, on another ledge. Go right to open a chest that is a monster-in-a-box with two Red Dragons. Same strategy as the other dragon battle applies here. For winning, you’ll get Crystal (Crystal Gloves) for Cecil. Then go to the far left of this ledge, and enter the doorway on the left side. You’ll enter a chamber.

In this chamber, open the chest in the lower left corner for a White (White Robe), excellent armor for Rosa. Then go up the stairs to the north. You’ll be on the lowest platform of the fifth basement. Go left to a chest, yet another monster-in-a-box. It contains a D. Fossil and a Warlock. Just Summon and attack them to death like you’ve been doing to all the other monsters-in-a-boxes. You’ll get the final piece of Crystal gear for Cecil, the Crystal (Crystal Helm). Now, go to the right of this bottom platform. Enter the doorway to a mini-chamber to the right of the stairs that lead down to the sixth basement. Open the chest for an Inferno. Now go down the stairs to the sixth basement, outside this room.

From the entrance to the sixth basement, you should see two chests to the right and left of you, on ledges. Open up the left chest for Artemis (Artemis Arrows), and the right chest for a Fuma (Fuma Shuriken). Now you should see two sets of stairs below you. Go down the left set of stairs, and open up the chest for a Cabin. Then go down the right set of stairs, and follow the ledge to a doorway, to another chamber. Open the chest in the upper left corner of this room, a monster-in-a-box. It contains a Warlock and three Karys. Simple, after winning, you’ll receive a Minerva (Minerva Gown), which you should give to either Rosa or Rydia. Give the White Robe to Rydia, if you decide to give Rosa the Minerva Gown, in that case. Now go down the stairs in the upper right corner of the room, and go down to the seventh basement.

From here, follow the path and ledge to a series of doorways. Enter the left door first. You’ll find a Save Point here, I highly suggest you rest and save here. Now, it’s treasure time.

After you’ve rested and saved at the left door’s Save Point, go outside the Save Point and go to the next door (the middle door). Unequip Rosa of her equipment, and set the battle mode to ‘Wait’ if you have it on Active. Go up to the weapon on the pedestal in this chamber, and you’ll be stopped by a tremor, another sinister voice.

“The coveter of this holy spear shall perish!”

You’ll now have to fight the next Lunar boss.

BOSS: Plague
HP: 33,333
Experience Points: 31,105
Gil: 550

This boss might frustrate you. He’ll begin the fight by casting ‘Doom’ on each of your characters. This means you have an incredibly strict time limit to take him down, 10 seconds! Granted, it is possible to do this normally, but it’s very frustrating. After he puts the death sentence on your party, he’ll start casting Haste on your characters, which actually helps you a bit. However, there are other ways to counter his countdown. Kill off one of your characters, and then revive them. Then, Plague will cast Doom again (because it notices someone doesn’t have the countdown), resetting the countdown on everyone, so you’ll have more time. This is why I suggest taking off all of Rosa’s equipment and then use her to kill someone off, use a Life on her to revive her for this strategy. Then, she’ll have low enough HP to be killed off in one hit. Now whenever the countdown gets low (say, 3-4), kill her off and revive her. You can easily control the timer now. Then, with this set up, use your strongest attacks. Rydia should summon Bahamut, and Kain should Jump. Cecil and Edge should be saved for killing off Rosa. If anyone else gets a turn when the countdown is low and Rosa is already dead, use a Life. If you do plan on not using this strategy, you’ll have to go all out. Attack, Jump, Bahamut, et all. This requires a bit more leveling to do, so I recommend just using the first strategy. With it, the fight won’t last long.

After winning you’ll receive the legendary weapon, HolyLnce (Holy Lance), for Kain. It’s his best weapon. It can cast the spell, Holy, when he uses it as an item while it’s equipped. Unfortunately, the damage is very poor.

Go back to the Save Point, rest, and save. Re-equip Rosa, and set the battle mode on Active if you had that before and preferred it. Now enter the third door, and attempt to go through the two columns near the doorway. You’ll be stopped by a flash of light, and another voice, or two.

“By sacred force, we shall protect the ribbons.”

You’ll now have to fight not one, but two more bosses.

BOSS: Lunasaur (2)
HP: 23,000 (each)
Experience Points: 29,500 (each)
Gil: 0

This fight can be really tough, or still aggravating. The Lunasaurs both use a weak Flame attack which may do around 300 damage to all your party members. The Lunasaurs don’t hit very hard, so just have Rosa constantly heal to stay on top. DO NOT use physical attacks. If you hit them with a physical attack, they’ll start getting nasty. They’ll cast Wall on themselves, and bounce back Bio on your team, often doing it twice to the same person for 1,500 damage-over 2,00 damage each hit, pretty much guaranteeing their demise. Instead, have Rydia summon Bahamut. While they counter summons with a ‘Recover’ skill that recovers 2,300 HP, Bahamut should do enough damage over 2,300 go make a difference. Here’s a good strategy. Have Rosa cast Haste on Rydia. Have the others use Hermes’ Shoes and have someone use a Silk Web on the Lunasaurs. Have Cecil cover Rosa. Then have Rydia summon Bahamut, Kain Jump, Edge throw any unused shuriken and weapons, and Rosa heal the party. If you take too long, they’ll occasionally use a really bad ‘Breath’ attack on your whole party. This is like the Malboro’s Breath attack, only ten times worse. If any members of your party aren’t hit by it (my Cecil and Rosa were immune somehow, Cecil had his Crystal equipment, and Rosa has here Sage’s Staff, Tiara, White Robe, and Gold Ring), then use Esuna or Remedies to get your party up and running again. Remember, have Edge throwing and Kain Jumping on one target, once you kill one Lunasaur, the other shouldn’t take so long. Once you kill off one of the Lunasaurs, you can use normal attacks on them, as they won’t cast Bio afterwards. The remaining one will still Wall itself, but it won’t bounce back Bio. If this is still giving you a headache, go and level up more, or just try again. But if you’re in the 50s, it shouldn’t take too long.

For beating these highly annoying skeletal monstrosities, you can open the two chests in this chamber for two Ribbons, headgear anyone can equip that prevents all status abnormalities! They also raise your stats by a good amount. Equip these on any two people besides Cecil, his Crystal gear already prevents status ailments.

Now, go back to the Save Point, rest, and save. Definitely don’t want to do that again.

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 08-06-2006 at 12:35 PM.
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