Thread: Moderators?
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Old 01-24-2005, 04:48 PM   #3
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Alright, so I went back to the forums that I originally came up with the name FFnut on (this was years ago) and reread the Articles of Moderation. I noticed that a majority of the limitations affect these forums far too much (for example, to become a mod there, you must have been a member for at least two months and have at least 200 posts, something that we definitely do NOT have, although HC is close) for us to completely adapt them. However, a nice amount of the election isn't run by pure votes. Let me post the relevant sections:

I.2. Primary Election
The moderator election in the chosen forum is a primary election. It is solely for the purpose of the forum leaders to get an idea about who is favored to lead that forum. Candidates post that they are running, and other members vote for them... A voter may post why they feel the candidate is qualified, but it is not necessary. A candidate SHOULD NOT:
- Post what they will do as a mod. The responsibilities are always the same.
- Post multiple times in the topic. Extra posts make it hard to be sorted through.
- Bribe members.
- Discourage others from running
- Be a bad sport. Doing so will hurt the candidate’s chances of winning.
It is advised that someone (a non-candidate) take up the responsibility of keeping a tally of the votes.
When the primary election has gone on long enough, an administrator will close the topic and send it to the Moderator Forum for a final decision. The winner of the primary will not necessarily be selected as the new moderator, and all candidates should recognize this before running... (Note: As we do not currently have any mods, we therefore do not have a moderator forum. We could probably make one after we have a few, leaving the Moderator Election task directly up to Shaggy in this case.)

III. The Moderator Election- Final Decision
After the primary election is closed in the chosen forum, an administrator will move the topic to the Moderator Forum. It is here that the final decision is made. All candidates are reviewed. Usually, only the top two or three winners of the primary election are looked at. Their record is reviewed; allowing disqualifications... to take place. Also, this is where comments made by the forum regulars (mentioned in Article II.2) will come into play. The moderators will vote on who they believe is the most qualified. After a certain amount of time, the votes are tallied and the chosen moderator is put into power... the administrators have the final say. Therefore, it is possible for the final ruling to be against any votes of the moderators. (As I said, until we have enough mods, this entire task can just be Shaggy's decision.)

This Articles Of Moderation thing beautifully defines everything a mod should do and the steps taken to modship. I can post the full thing if you wish.
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

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