Thread: Le Survey
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Old 12-11-2006, 04:50 PM   #6
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John Smith
Join Date: Jul 2006
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Age: 33
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Re: Le Survey

Real First Name: Hmmm...
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc): Same as above
Age: 15
Background: My bed XD
Occupation: Student
Favourite Food: Fondue =D
Least Favourite Food: Hmmmmmmmmm...
Your Scent: My what???
Favourite Movie: Harry Potter and the Prisioner of Azkaban :P
Favourite Song: I believe I can fly
Favourite Poem: Hmmmmmmmm...
Favourite Book: Hmmmmmmmmm...
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet: Auto da Barca do Inferno
Your idol: Hmmmmm...
Hobbies: PC
Interesting Fact: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I have glasses XD

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game: FF8
Favourite Final Fantasy: FF8
Favourite Forum Game: The person below you
Favourite CG Match: Huh?
What class is your RPG character?: Mercenary
Why?: Squall is one too
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it): Nope XD
Favourite Board: Spamtastic
Other Favourite forums: None XD
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to?: Hydra XD
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you?: Squall Lionheart
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?: Spec XD
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz? Nobody XD (Secretly me XD)
Most likely to be a secret agent? Hydra
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent? Avathar O_O
Most likely to join the circus? Kat XD
Most likely to start a cult? EmpressCrystal O_O
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you?: A FF what???????????????????????
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection?: Maybe
Have you beaten Ozma? Who?
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6: Nope.
What game systems do you have? Computer, Mega Drive, Sega Saturn (broken) PlayStation and PlayStation 2 (my brother's)
What was your first Final Fantasy? FF8
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross? Nope
Who’s your favourite FF Hero? Squall
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine? Yuna
Favourite Villain? Seifer
Least Favourite Villain? LeBlanc
Least Favourite Hero? I don't know >_>
Least Favourite Heroine? I don't know this one either >.>

A little Quote: "Live everyday as if it were the last"
Any closing words? Not really XD
I donated all the Ninja Cookies to church. Alas, all the children got obese!

Click here to read Dragon Ball Multiverse! Includes several languages! =D
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