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Old 02-07-2007, 10:48 PM   #28
Master Summoner
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Re: Five day countdown

Now with less violence towards women and more tentacle rape.
Haha, yes, that was a bit amusing.

What about "Welcome to my Barbecue"?
Yes, that's still in there. Most of the lines from the Woolsey translation are there. If it weren't for properly dubbed item and spell names and grammar fixes, you probably wouldn't even be able to tell apart the script from the original.

I trust Kefka's loud, annoying laugh is still there? XD
Originally Posted by Zeromus_X
"Son of a submariner!" is now "Son of a sandworm!"

......Now that line has just gone as far from making sense as possible, "Son of a sandworm" WTH? =P
Of course it is! And it sounds just as good as the SNES version.

In the original English script, Kefka called Edgar a son of a submariner as the latter word that starts with a 'b' (I'll leave it up to you to figure out which one it is) wouldn't fly, and Figaro Castle can submerge. Edgar is the king of Figaro Castle. Therefore, he would be a submariner.

Sandworm refers to sandworms in a desert, naturally. Also remember that sandworms busted into Figaro Castle while it was submerged later in the game to let the thieves and their leader 'Gerad' escape.

Anyway, don't let any of the changes stop you from playing the game. It'd be silly to ignore it just because of a relocalization, changed (proper) names are to be expected. The translators were generous enough to even preserve many of the lines from Woolsey's script and his names anyway.
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