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Old 10-08-2005, 10:25 PM   #4
Master Summoner
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Kirby's Introduction


Deep in a forest, on the side of a river, a gray-skinned man in a black suit, with half white and half black hair, sat in front of an easel. His brow was furrowed in concentration, eyes shifting from the river to the easel, several times. Taking a pencil from a giant sack on the ground, he began sketching wildly, the birds, plants, and what looked like a turtle eating a cucumber from the surface of the water, all in vivid detail, on his paper.


He tore of the page from the tablet, and put the pad back in his bag, then the easel too, into his bag, and it didn't seem to increase in size at all.

The man took the sheet of paper with his left hand, and with the right, pressed two fingers against its surface. A brilliant flash of multicolored light burst from the paper, and many birds flew from it (identical to the ones he drew) and even the kappa, which joined his doppelganger in the water, had flew out. The kappas and birds seemed in perfect harmony. But...

"NO NO NO!! THIS JUST ISN'T WORKING AT ALL!!!" screamed the man, who by now was very flushed.

"Why?...Have I lost my touch? It's only been about...say...a few hundred years since my last publication, what's wrong?! Where's my...inspiration?" the man asked. "And why am I talking to myself?! WHY?!!- a stone just hit the man's head.

"Rr...Nyoan, stop mopin', Kirby!" a gray tabby that just came from behind the bushes said.

"But...but Dude, you know that I haven't been able to draw anything for almost a millenia now!" said Kirby.

"Rr...Nya, sounds like a personal problem teh me." said Dude. "Sneaky and Misty should be here right about now, the fish in this reality don't taste very good..."

A white cat and a black tom came through the bushes just then. "Nya, I just don't know why you don't like the kraken, Misty." said the tom. "Bleh, it's all...rubbery and gross!" exclaimed Misty, the white female cat. "Oh, there's Kirby and Dude, nyao!"

"Hello everyone" said Kirby. "What're we doin' next, Kirb?" asked Sneaky. "Well, I just can't seem to find any inspiration in this're going to go to another one!" explained Kirby. "Nyaa?! Again?! But we just got to this one!" said Misty. "You know those dimensional rifts aren't good for my heart, Kirby!" said Dude, who had just layed down.

"Aww....but I don't like this's so smoky here...hey...wait a minute...where did all this smoke just come from?" inquired Kirby. "Nya-cough-I don't know, but it seems an elderly cat just can't seem to get any peace and quiet..."

"Alright everyone, now get in the bag" said Kirby. The three cats jumped into the sack, still apparently empty and light as a feather. Kirby pulled an eraser from his coat pocket, and began erasing the smoke.

"Cough....I hate smoke" stated Kirby.

And Kirby, clearing a visible path through the smoke, picked up the sack and began walking off into the distance, feeling a sense of foreboding, and yet, like a kitten, curious as to why it appeared.

Of course, we all know what happened to the over-curious cat, now don't we?

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 10-08-2005 at 10:28 PM.
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