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Old 04-03-2007, 12:49 AM   #1
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Arrow I'm trying

It's not like I alway listen to Kpop I try to listen to other music. I mean I really have improve unlike three years ago. Back then the only thing I listen to was Kpop. But now I try to, like I give other music a chance. Like for example Marlyn Mansons, Disturbed, they kinda seem cool, of course I prefer Kpop more. I don't get why people always want to change me. On Soompi Kpop fans of different races and from different countries come together and discuss their favorite artists. No one every get into arguments or anything and there is also normal topics about other stuff and life there also. Long time ago I gave up animes, because people always said it was stupid for me to like such shows. So I gave it up, and now so how everyone like them, but I can't even go back. Now most of my pals like them too, but I can never comment on them because I don't lke them any more.

Anyway I really like Kpop and you guys really don't understand it just the music I listen to. Everyone at school don't seem to have a problem with it, actually they think its pretty cool. I love Kpop, and everyday its growing more popular and throughout the world.

Last edited by Seyluv; 04-03-2007 at 01:00 PM.
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