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Old 04-24-2007, 10:40 PM   #29
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Re: Everybody Wonders

Originally Posted by blackstar
okay,okay,this one's for Blackstar since he did one about me =D
I died:→i'd freak out and they would have to lock me up somewere ;_;

I kissed you:→ "It would be sweet but I hope it would be on the cheek" ^_^

I fell:→ i would laugh...depending on the fall then help ya up =D

I lived next door to you:→zomaigawd PARTY!!

I showed up at your house unexpectedly:→major Glumpage ^______^

I stole something:→i would slap you o.o then laugh and tell you to give it back

I was murdered:→hunt down the person and tie them up and lock them in a freezer,then once they've froze to death i would put the corpse in a wood chipper and after they were all tore up i would burn them and throw them in a lake somewere. =)

I cried:→try to make you laugh,and try to help ya out =D

I was hospitalized: like Hydra says,"POST CARDS" ^_^


Personality:→its awesome....*thinks* can be funny.serious and sometimes who knows what you're thinkin

Eyes:→handsome ^.^

Hair:→pretty color XD

Family:→*gets all quiet* do you know them? ^_^

Smile:→your own smile,great in its own way


Keep a secret if i told you one?→" what secret "

Hold my hand?→sure why not

Study with me?→" as long as it isnt math " i hate math ^_^;

Cook for me?→yea! whaddaya want?! =D

Date me?→if i wasn't taken or so far away then yea maybe


Lied to make me feel better?→nope,i tell it how it is,ain't no shame in my game..XD

Wanted to kiss me?→hmm *thinks some more* don't think so

Wanted to kill me?→no O.O

Broke my heart?→don't think i have o.o

Thought I was unbearably annoying?→nah ^^

Hated me?→no!!

Wanted to tell me something but didn't?→nope


When and how did we meet?→"on ffnet through Yoko" <------great guy ya'know

Describe me in three words:→funny,sensitive,silly... i had to say it

What was your first impression of me?→dude...this guys kewl XD

What do you think of me now?→one of the kewlest friends i'll ever have =D

What reminds you of me?→*thinks* ;bor <----- that emoticon XDD

When is the last time you saw me?→"last time you posted a pic "

The perfect Example of: Imperfection
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