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Old 07-13-2006, 10:15 PM   #19
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

2.7 Waterway

As you go through the door, you’ll enter a single normal looking room. There are alluring stairs right in front of you, but before you go down, notice that part of the wall on the right? It’s actually a false wall. Go through it right, and you’ll reach a chest containing 1,000 Gil. Continue down the stairs.

It should be noted that most of the enemies here are weak to Bolt spells. The exception is the ElecFish (Electric Fish) that absorb Bolt, but are susceptible to Ice spells.

In the second basement, follow the path down until you reach a crossroads. Go down first to reach three treasure chests. The treasure chests contain from left to right: HiPotion (Hi-Potion), Ether1 (Ether 1), and ThorRage (Thor’s Rage.) Afterwards, continue up and follow the linear path to the upper exit to the next floor.

In the third basement, you’ll notice there are many walls surrounding different rooms! Of course, there are many false walls in this room enabling you to walk through them. In the first enclosure, walk down, right, down, and left to reach a room with a HrGlass1 in a chest. Go down in this room, left, down, left, down, and right to the next room. In this enclosure is a chest with a Silk Web.

Now, go all the way back to that first enclosure. This time, go right. (To an enclosure with a waterfall.) In this enclosure, walk right through the wall on the right to pass through a false wall. Go down, then right to reach the next room. Open the chest on the platform in the center to obtain a Hermes (Hermes’ Shoes).

Now, see those rocks on the right side of this enclosure? One rock above three others? The wall inbetween those rocks is a false wall you can use as a shortcut to the exit of this room. Go right through it. Then continue up to reach the exit.

In this next area, follow the path up and go up a set of stairs. When you near the exit to the next floor, you’ll see an enclosure with a chest to the left. You guessed it, another false wall. Go left through it, down, left, and up, and you’ll reach the chest which contains an Ether1 (Ether 1). Now continue up the stairs to the next level.

As you enter this level, you’ll see a door in front of you. Go into it and enter a room which is a Save Point. Rest with a tent and save. However, don’t leave the Save Point just yet. See the rocks on the right wall? There are four rocks, but one doesn’t cover a spot near the wall. Stand on this spot and go right to pass through a false wall, down, and right to reach a chest containing an Ancient (Ancient Sword.). This is a sword for Cecil. Although it has lower attack then his Legend Sword he recieved when he became a Paladin, it has the chance to Curse the enemy struck by it. The choice is yours if you want a weapon that can debilitate the enemy, or can do more damage. (Of course, he doesn’t lose that much attack power.)

Exit the Save Point, and go right. Follow the stairs up, exit, and you’ll be out of the Waterway and back outside Baron Castle- in the moat!
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