Thread: Sadness......
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Old 07-20-2007, 05:01 AM   #20
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Phoenix Flame
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Re: Sadness......

Originally Posted by FinaLMooNLighT
I don't think Locke's story is sad at all. If Locke could just forget and stop clinging to Rachel the whole melodrama wouldn't happen.

o_O I'm taking it you've never been in love? Or never 'loved and lost'?

...just a guess.

It can be heartwrenching....or it can spurn growth. Locke wasn't able to grow because after Rachel passed he could only think of his promise - he was supposed to keep her safe, but - in the end, did nothing because she had amnesia and wanted nothing to do with him. He thought it best to leave, only to find out she died a short while later.

He couldn't just forget - much like he couldn't forget his promise to Celes. Allthough Edgar remembered "Locke, THAT again?" what it was like for him because they were close...he never said, "Locke, why don't you get your ;cen together, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and go on w/your life." - at least during gameplay.

Albeit I DO agree that Terra is RLY high on the 'tragical' scale...being tormented by past memories, 'what-ifs' and an overwhelming sense of helplessness for YEARS took its tole on Locke: all the while searching for something to restore his lost love one. ;-;
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