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Old 08-19-2005, 10:23 PM   #1
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Le Survey

Well well well, I got one of those e-mail survey things and thought it'd be fun if we did something like that here. So here.

Real First Name:
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc):
Favourite Food:
Least Favourite Food:
Your Scent:
Favourite Movie:
Favourite Song:
Favourite Poem:
Favourite Book:
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet
Your idol:
Interesting Fact:

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game:
Favourite Final Fantasy:
Favourite Forum Game:
Favourite CG Match:
What class is your RPG character?:
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it):
Favourite Board:
Other Favourite forums:
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?:
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to?
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you?
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?:
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz?
Most likely to be a secret agent?
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent?
Most likely to join the circus?
Most likely to start a cult?
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you?
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection?
Have you beaten Ozma?
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6
What game systems do you have?
What was your first Final Fantasy?
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross?
Who’s your favourite FF Hero?
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine?
Favourite Villain?
Least Favourite Villain?
Least Favourite Hero?
Least Favourite Heroine?

A little Quote:
Any closing words?

Real First Name: Ambre
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc): Joan and Ming Chia . Which possibly means beautiful flower but I’m not sure. Go cultural illiteracy!
Age: 16
Background: Mixed Chinese Filipina and Spanish. Hoorah for the mutts of the world!
Occupation: Lots of junk.
Favourite Food: Lumpia, Strawberries, Peaches, Poutine (must only eat that last one once a year- ten pounds in a dish).
Least Favourite Food: Bitter Melon. Ew.
Your Scent: Heavenscent by Gap! And also any lilac soap is nice.
Favourite Movie: Anything Cinderella- mostly Ever After. Moulin Rouge, Mulan!
Favourite Song: Don’t really have one.
Favourite Poem: The Highwayman
Favourite Book: Girl with a Pearl Earring
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet: Romeo and Juliet, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Les Miserables, Avenue Q, Giselle
Your idol: Lea Salonga, Zhang Ziyi
Hobbies: Performing and Visual Arts (Dance, instrumental music, vocal music and drama)
Interesting Fact: I was long jump champ at my elementary school!

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game: FFIX, followed closely by FFVII
Favourite Final Fantasy: FFIX
Favourite Forum Game: Evil Genie!
Favourite CG Match: Don’t play them, but might later
What class is your RPG character?: Holy Knight
Why?: Beatrix Rocks. Plus, Holy Knights get the best of both worlds.
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it): Titania. Durh.
Favourite Board: RPG Discussion!
Other Favourite forums: Moshimoshineko, Blochworld, Deviantart and La Revolution
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?: Rob/Mong00se, because that’s the only way I’d get out of it alive. Or maybe not, actually.
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to?: Not sure.
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you?: A bird-taming firefighter. If that’s allowed
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?: Nope. Don’t like to make waves!
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz?: S haggy
Most likely to be a secret agent?: Shadowheart
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent?: FFnut. He knows everything Square. It’s scary.
Most likely to join the circus?: Squall85. Don’t know why.
Most likely to start a cult?: FFnut. He started that clan, right?
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you?: all the RPG people…Mong00se, Sephiroth, FFnut, Draz… Spiff, Shaggy, and hopefully another girl. Can’t seem to find one.
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection?: No!
Have you beaten Ozma?: no.
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6: Nope.
What game systems do you have?: PS1. Don’t laugh.
What was your first Final Fantasy?: I bought 7 8 and 9 at the same time. Played 8 first.
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross?: No.
Who’s your favourite FF Hero?: Zidane! The non-loner-angsty-teenage-mercenary.
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine?: Tifa
Favourite Villain?: Beatrix. She’s sort of a villain.
Least Favourite Villain?: Ozma. It’s a giant beach ball. Really…it’s not that menacing.
Least Favourite Hero?: Squall. Oh the angst.
Least Favourite Heroine?: Rinoa.

A little Quote: “Dancer: The beautiful paradox. She seems to us a princess; a shadow; a dove. And yet beneath the surface, we find that she is marred and broken.”
Any closing words?: Life is a one way street, so enjoy the sights while you can.

Last edited by Zerlina; 08-19-2005 at 10:28 PM.
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Old 08-19-2005, 11:14 PM   #2
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Re: Le Survey

Real First Name: "Odd... it seems that the page has ripped here and cannot be read..."
Other names: FFnut, Shadowblade Siannodel, Master Of The Mind
Age: 15
Background: Gamer extraordinaire.
Occupation: Not dying.
Favourite Food: Kentucky Firaga Chocobo
Least Favourite Food: Moogle Pom-pom pack
Your Scent: WHAT?
Favourite Movie: Don't have one
Favourite Song: Once again, don't have one
Favourite Poem: Anything Edgar Allen Poe. Man was a genius.
Favourite Book: Nuklear Age
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet: Spamalot
Your idol: *ignores*
Hobbies: Gaming
Interesting Fact: I have an IQ in the 160-170 range.

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game: Chrono Trigger
Favourite Final Fantasy: I've said it before and I'll say it again: If it has a character named Cid OR is the first one, it's tied for my favorite.
Favourite Forum Game: The hack
Favourite CG Match: Huh?
What class is your RPG character?: Black Mage. Same as my avatar.
Why?: Because I only have avatars of ninjas, dragoons, and black mages, and I'm sick of playing dragoons and ninjas.
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it): Magus. Duh.
Favourite Board: ...
Other Favourite forums: ...
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?: For no reason? Why would I then?
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to?: Probably whichever sad sap decided to move next door first.
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you?: Mario. He'd jump on the vultures and knock them into the magma, like Bowser.
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?: People at school, yeah.
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz?: The man behind the curtain
Most likely to be a secret agent?: James Bond
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent?: The man with the almost unpronouceable japanese name
Most likely to join the circus?: A clown
Most likely to start a cult?: Manah from Drakengard. She's done it before.
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you?: Whoever I meet on the journey that also has a grudge against the faceless evil and/or multinational corporation.
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection?: It's all false.
Have you beaten Ozma?: Who cares?
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6: All except 3.
What game systems do you have?: PS2. DS. GBA. PC.
What was your first Final Fantasy?: The first one.
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross?: Played both. Have both. Beat both.
Who’s your favourite FF Hero?: Vivi
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine?: Urgh... um, Lulu.
Favourite Villain?: Wesker from RE
Least Favourite Villain?: Sephiroth
Least Favourite Hero?: Cloud
Least Favourite Heroine?: Selphie

A little Quote: "Starkle Starkle little twink... now it's time that you guys SINK!!!"
Any closing words? Ahem...

"Always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the light side of life

If life seems jolly rotten
There's somethin' you've forgotten
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
When you're feelin' in the dumps
Don't be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle, that's the thing

And always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the right side of life

For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word
You must always face the curtain with a bow
Forget about your sin
Give the audience a grin
Enjoy it it's your last chance anyhow

Always look on the bright side of death
Just before you draw your terminal breath

Life's a piece of shit
When you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true
You'll see it's all a show
Keep 'em laughing as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you

Always look on the bright side of life"
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

"Only an egotistical bastard would sig himself." ~ FFnut

That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die.

Commander Of The Platinum Dragons

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Old 08-20-2005, 04:36 AM   #3
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Re: Le Survey

Real First Name: Debbie
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc): will not say on the internet
Age: 41
Background: Australian of English, Scottish and Swedish decent
Occupation: Housewife and cat wrangler at present
Favourite Food: Chinese
Least Favourite Food: Offel (liver, kidneys, brains ect)
Your Scent: Anis Anis and sandlewood
Favourite Movie: Any by Mel Brooks
Favourite Song: Don't fear the reaper by Blue Oyster Cult
Favourite Poem: Australian folk poems
Favourite Book: The dragonriders of Pern series
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet: Don't have one
Your idol: Don't have one
Hobbies: See my profile
Interesting Fact: My husband fell for me because I am the only person who can beat him at Trivial Pursuit

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game: Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction
Favourite Final Fantasy: FF7
Favourite Forum Game: The person below you
Favourite CG Match: Don't understand the question
What class is your RPG character?: Amazon
Why?: No paticular reason. I just wanted a strong female character
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it): n/a
Favourite Board:
Other Favourite forums: This one of course, NationStates, Black Diamond
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?: No-one yet
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to? Shaggy. It would make communication easier
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you? A dragon, it would eat the vultures for breakfast
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?: Not that I know of
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz? Shaggy as he is the one that comes up with these great forum additions
Most likely to be a secret agent? Zerlina because she's asking all these questions
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent? FFnut because of his knowledge of all things Final Fantasy
Most likely to join the circus? Can't think of anyone
Most likely to start a cult? See answer above
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you? Whoever was interested in coming with me
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection? No, but that doesn't stop me from being interested in apparent ways to save her
Have you beaten Ozma? Who?, guess that answers that question
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6 Had a look a couple of them, but played through, no
What game systems do you have? Playstation 1, SNES, Old working Commodore 64 and the PC
What was your first Final Fantasy? FF7
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross? Yes, I've played Crono Trigger but not got through it yet. Will get back to it one of these days
Who’s your favourite FF Hero? Vivi
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine? Aeris
Favourite Villain? Sephiroth (sorry if I've spelled that wrong)
Least Favourite Villain? Seifer, he was as interesting as cardboard
Least Favourite Hero? Squall, all that teen angst and don't care attitude was so annoying
Least Favourite Heroine? Selphie, boy she was a very irritating character
__________________ - online arcade: Over 150 arcade games are online and waiting to challenge your skills.
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Old 08-21-2005, 11:16 PM   #4
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Re: Le Survey

Real First Name: Robert
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc): highroller_rob
Age: 21
Background: American
Occupation: Student
Favourite Food: Mexican
Least Favourite Food: Anything cold
Your Scent: Colours
Favourite Movie: Star Wars
Favourite Song: Save Me ~ Unwritten Law
Favourite Poem: Human brain not yet obsolete ~ unknown
Favourite Book: Whatever i'm reading
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet Les Miserable
Your idol: George W. Bush (I'm going to get heat for that...)
Hobbies: Restoring cars
Interesting Fact: As I was writing this I got the **** scared out of me by a huge stick bug, then I went and got a lamp so that I could see the bug more clearly (which had disappeared). Now the light is filling up the room and I see it, it's crawling up my shorts and on my short. freak out!!!

Then I found out they are harmless....

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game: Pacman
Favourite Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy VI
Favourite Forum Game: Word Association
Favourite CG Match: They're all good.
What class is your RPG character?: Holy Knight
Why?: That's what I would be.
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it): Can't remember
Favourite Board: FFNET
Other Favourite forums: The Lions Fanati cs, FFWA
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?: Shaggy
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to? Shaggy
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you? The Crocadile Hunter
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?: Just you
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz? Arkacia
Most likely to be a secret agent? Arkacia
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent? FFNut
Most likely to join the circus? Squall85
Most likely to start a cult? Sephiroth
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you? Shadowheart, FFnut, heavens cloud (if she ever comes back), Arkacia, Sephiroth, Zerlina, and Shaggy.
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection? Can you believe gullible isn't in the dictionary?
Have you beaten Ozma?
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6? V & VI
What game systems do you have? NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, Sega, Gamecube, N64
What was your first Final Fantasy? Final Fantasy VIII
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross? Nope.
Who’s your favourite FF Hero? Squall
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine? Celes
Favourite Villain? Kefka
Least Favourite Villain? Kuja
Least Favourite Hero? Zell
Least Favourite Heroine? Selphie

A little Quote: see my sig...

Any closing words?
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. "
Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

Last edited by Spiff; 08-21-2005 at 11:19 PM.
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Old 12-11-2006, 01:59 PM   #5
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Re: Le Survey

[QUOTE=Zerlina]Well well well, I got one of those e-mail survey things and thought it'd be fun if we did something like that here. So here.

Real First Namerefer not to say
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc):
Background:caucasion nothing special
Occupation:student/heavy metal enthusiast
Favourite Food:BBQ eel
Least Favourite Food:yams
Your Scent:no clue
Favourite Movie:Spirited Away
Favourite Song:Killing Lonliness (HIM)
Favourite Poem:And there will come soft rains/Annabel Lee
Favourite Book:The Fellowship of the Ring
Favourite Play, Musical, or Balle none
Your idol:Ville Valo/Anton LaVey
Hobbies:Heavy Metal and "Aiden"
Interesting Fact:Im a hopeless romantic

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game:Lunar 2 the Eternal Blue
Favourite Final Fantasy:8
Favourite Forum Game:dont know
Favourite CG Match:
What class is your RPG character?:Vampire
Why?:their cool
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it):
Favourite Board:serious debates
Other Favourite forums:
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?:Yoko_Kurama
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to?Jhiman
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you?Jhiman
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?:Jhiman
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz?Miyu_
Most likely to be a secret agent?Cloud101
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent?
Most likely to join the circus?
Most likely to start a cult?Me
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you?Miyu_, Cloud101, Jhiman, Lyda Lyda, Yoko_Kurama, Oolyan i dont really know who else
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection?
Have you beaten Ozma?
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6
What game systems do you have?ps2,x-box,gamecube,N64
What was your first Final Fantasy? 8
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross?yes
Who’s your favourite FF Hero?Zell
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine?Selphie
Favourite Villain?Seifer
Least Favourite Villain?
Least Favourite Hero?Irvine
Least Favourite Heroine?

Last edited by blackstar; 12-12-2006 at 05:31 PM.
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Old 12-11-2006, 04:50 PM   #6
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Re: Le Survey

Real First Name: Hmmm...
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc): Same as above
Age: 15
Background: My bed XD
Occupation: Student
Favourite Food: Fondue =D
Least Favourite Food: Hmmmmmmmmm...
Your Scent: My what???
Favourite Movie: Harry Potter and the Prisioner of Azkaban :P
Favourite Song: I believe I can fly
Favourite Poem: Hmmmmmmmm...
Favourite Book: Hmmmmmmmmm...
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet: Auto da Barca do Inferno
Your idol: Hmmmmm...
Hobbies: PC
Interesting Fact: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I have glasses XD

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game: FF8
Favourite Final Fantasy: FF8
Favourite Forum Game: The person below you
Favourite CG Match: Huh?
What class is your RPG character?: Mercenary
Why?: Squall is one too
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it): Nope XD
Favourite Board: Spamtastic
Other Favourite forums: None XD
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to?: Hydra XD
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you?: Squall Lionheart
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?: Spec XD
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz? Nobody XD (Secretly me XD)
Most likely to be a secret agent? Hydra
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent? Avathar O_O
Most likely to join the circus? Kat XD
Most likely to start a cult? EmpressCrystal O_O
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you?: A FF what???????????????????????
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection?: Maybe
Have you beaten Ozma? Who?
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6: Nope.
What game systems do you have? Computer, Mega Drive, Sega Saturn (broken) PlayStation and PlayStation 2 (my brother's)
What was your first Final Fantasy? FF8
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross? Nope
Who’s your favourite FF Hero? Squall
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine? Yuna
Favourite Villain? Seifer
Least Favourite Villain? LeBlanc
Least Favourite Hero? I don't know >_>
Least Favourite Heroine? I don't know this one either >.>

A little Quote: "Live everyday as if it were the last"
Any closing words? Not really XD
I donated all the Ninja Cookies to church. Alas, all the children got obese!

Click here to read Dragon Ball Multiverse! Includes several languages! =D
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Old 12-11-2006, 08:09 PM   #7
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Re: Le Survey

Real First Name: Trent.
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc): Dave O:
Age: 20 years.
Background: Usually green.
Occupation: Graphic Illustrator.
Favourite Food: Pastas.
Least Favourite Food: I've grown so tired of porkchops.
Your Scent: Yes, I smell.
Favourite Movie: Le Fabuleux Destin d' Amélie Poulain.
Favourite Song: Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Favourite Poem: Anything by Jack Kerouac.
Favourite Book: Magician, by Raymond E. Feist.
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet: Moulin Rouge!
Your idol: Iggy Pop.
Hobbies: Having fun in general, goin' out, creating designs, drawings, sketchings, and making, writing, listening and playing music.
Interesting Fact: I'm not a wizard, but I play one on TV.

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game: Grandia.
Favourite Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy VI.
Favourite Forum Game: Final Fantasy Character Elimination.
Favourite CG Match: Eh?
What class is your RPG character?: Mercenary.
Why?: Amarant.
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it): I don't remember. Probably Magus. :p
Favourite Board: Off Topic.
Other Favourite forums: LOL
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?: Squall Lionheart. I quite dislike ellipses.
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to?: Hydra, 'cause, wrestling.
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you?: Zeromus_X, 'cause, kitties.
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?: I only have worthy allies.
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz? JOHN SMITH.
Most likely to be a secret agent? Spiff.
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent? reasoniamalive.
Most likely to join the circus? Kat.
Most likely to start a cult? EmpressCrystal.
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you?: I don't do missions, I'M AN ADVENTURER!
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection?: Believe? LOL
Have you beaten Ozma? Yes, quite often.
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6: Yes.
What game systems do you have? Gameboy, Sega Master System, Playstation, PS2, PSP.
What was your first Final Fantasy? Final Fantasy IX.
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross? Yes.
Who’s your favourite FF Hero? Zidane.
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine? Terra.
Favourite Villain? Ultros.
Least Favourite Villain? Seifer.
Least Favourite Hero? Tidus.
Least Favourite Heroine? Yuna.

A little Quote: "I'll put on my monocle, and cricketbat."
Any closing words? :D THIS WAS RATHER FUN

Originally Posted by Luis
Now, contemplate the tuttifrutti powahs in my avatar!
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! YouTube DeviantArt Last.FM TheShrine DinoButt
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Old 12-11-2006, 08:18 PM   #8
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Re: Le Survey

Originally Posted by Avathar
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz? JOHN SMITH.
See? I told yee XD
I donated all the Ninja Cookies to church. Alas, all the children got obese!

Click here to read Dragon Ball Multiverse! Includes several languages! =D
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Old 12-11-2006, 09:05 PM   #9
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Re: Le Survey

I like this idea, you can get to know a lot about people

Real First Name: Paul Osterbrock
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc): William (middle name)
Age: 16
Background: 100% German
Occupation: Staples Employee
Favourite Food: Any type of Pasta
Least Favourite Food: Ham
Your Scent: Coffee and donuts, i start each day with a jelly donut and coffee.
Favourite Movie: Team America : World Police
Favourite Song: Rammstein : Morgenstern (Morning Star in English)
Favourite Poem: I dont read poems
Favourite Book: Visual Basic for Dummies (I learned so much from it) ^^
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet: Never seen any
Your idol: Dave Chappelle
Hobbies: Computers, Gaming
Interesting Fact: My best friend is my cat

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game: Final Fantasy X (Current favorite is Halo 2)
Favourite Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy X
Favourite Forum Game: Google Image =)
Favourite CG Match: Camouflage grieves?
What class is your RPG character?: I forgot
Why?: Too much Final Fantasy XI in my head...
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it): Where can i take this quiz?
Favourite Board: Thiss'un
Other Favourite forums:
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?: Why would I throw what i use for shelter?
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to? Kat, because she lives in heaven.
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you? Nobody, why would i want to pull somebody else into a bad position like that?
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?: Myself
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz? John Smith
Most likely to be a secret agent? Avathar
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent? Zeromus_x
Most likely to join the circus? Kat
Most likely to start a cult? EmpressCrystal
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you? The 7 dwarfs
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection? Nah, i didnt like her anyways.
Have you beaten Ozma? Nope
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6: Most, all except 5.
What game systems do you have? PS2, Gamecube, Computer, PSP, and a Nintendo DS.
What was your first Final Fantasy? Final Fantasy 7
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross? Yeah, both amazing games.
Who’s your favourite FF Hero? Tidus
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine? Yuna
Favourite Villain? Sephiroth
Least Favourite Villain? Garland
Least Favourite Hero? Vaan
Least Favourite Heroine? Selphie

A little Quote: O RLY?!?
Any closing words? YA RLY!!!
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Old 12-11-2006, 09:09 PM   #10
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Re: Le Survey

Originally Posted by Staircase
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz? John Smith
Another vote? :O
I donated all the Ninja Cookies to church. Alas, all the children got obese!

Click here to read Dragon Ball Multiverse! Includes several languages! =D
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Old 12-11-2006, 10:25 PM   #11
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Re: Le Survey

Real First Name:Crystal (That's all you will know for now)
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc):Beloved-Shadowqueen
Age:17(In human years) 817 (My real age)
Occupation:Student/M.C The Max Fan 4 Life/Ruler of the Shadow Realm
Favourite Food:Pizza,
Least Favourite Food:Eggs
Favourite Movie:Full Time Killer
Favourite Song:M.C The Max - Goodbye for now
Favourite Poemarkness inside
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet: Wicked
Your idol:Edea & M.C The Max
Hobbies:K_moonchild, Final Fantasy, K-pop, Writing, Drawing, Design, Sims
Interesting Fact:Used to dislike M.C The Max, Have secret powers in my family

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game:Skies of Arcidia
Favourite Final Fantasy:Between FF8 & FF7
Favourite Forum GameNone yet)
Favourite CG MatchNone Yet)
What class is your RPG character?Don't really know, have to check out)
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it):
Favourite Board:The Spam Forum
Other Favourite forums:Soompi, Solid07, Kpopper
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?:None really
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to?Don't know really
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you?The Lead singer of M.C The Max or that supper hott vampire guy I seen the other day.
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?:PrinceKangta(From old forum)
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz?Avatar
Most likely to be a secret agent?John Smith
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent?Squall Lionheart
Most likely to join the circusKat
Most likely to start a cult?Me
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you?My 4 of my friends and therest would be either hott guys or great fighters
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection?Yeah
Have you beaten Ozma?No
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6? All except for 3 and 4
What game systems do you have?PS2, PSP, Xbox, GBA, GBC, Gamecube, Dreamcast and a few more.
What was your first Final Fantasy?FFT
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross?Nope
Who?s your favourite FF Hero?Irvine
Who?s your favourite FF Heroine?Irvine
Favourite Villain?Between Sephiroth & Edea
Least Favourite Villain?None
Least Favourite Hero?Tidus
Least Favourite Heroine?None

A little Quote:Bow before the queen of darkness, The ruler of the Shadow Realm, me. Ha, Ha, Ha!!!

Last edited by Seyluv; 12-12-2006 at 07:58 PM.
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Old 12-12-2006, 12:25 PM   #12
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Yoko Kurama
With a shattered heart...
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Re: Le Survey

Real First Name:Shayne
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc): Not telling
Background: Lived in Tennessee since I was 3
Occupation: Babysitting my sister
Favourite Food: Sushi
Least Favourite Food: Octopus
Your Scent: ?! What does that mean?!?!
Favourite Movie: The Grudge 1 and 2
Favourite Song: Joy and Sorrow by HIM
Favourite Poem:Annabel Lee
Favourite Book: Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet: none
Your idol: Matt Shadows
Hobbies: Playing cards and video games
Interesting Fact: ...I know 5 members of FFNet in real life.

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game: Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
Favourite Final Fantasy: 7
Favourite Forum Game: Evil Genie
Favourite CG Match: ???
What class is your RPG character?: Vampire
Why?: Because it's cool.
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it):
Favourite Board: FFNet
Other Favourite forums: none really
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?: John Smith
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to? Miyu
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you? My best weapon.
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?: Cloud101
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz? Kat
Most likely to be a secret agent? Oolyan
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent? Not sure
Most likely to join the circus? blackstar
Most likely to start a cult? blackstar
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you? Miyu_, blackstar, Cloud101, Jhimian, Staircase, Kat, and Oolyan.
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection? Yes
Have you beaten Ozma? No
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6? No, but I want to
What game systems do you have? Gamecube, PS2, XBox, GBASP, PSP, and N64
What was your first Final Fantasy? 7
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross? No, but I want to
Who’s your favourite FF Hero? Cloud
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine? Yuffie
Favourite Villain? Sephiroth
Least Favourite Villain? The guy from FF9 that wears a thong.
Least Favourite Hero? Squall
Least Favourite Heroine? Selphie

A little Quote: Live each day as though it were your last, for one day you'll be right.


Last edited by yoko_kurama; 12-12-2006 at 05:45 PM.
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Old 12-12-2006, 12:30 PM   #13
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The Dark Guardian
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Re: Le Survey

Real First Name:Stephen
Other names (Middle Names, Language Names etc):Christopher,Soma,Duck
Background:A horribly depressing life.
Favourite Food:A McChicken
Least Favourite Food:Lasagna
Your Scent:Adidas Moves
Favourite Movie:FFVII Advent Children
Favourite Song:The One WInged Angel
Favourite Poem:The Shodow
Favourite Book:N/A
Favourite Play, Musical, or Ballet:N/A
Your idol:My dad
Hobbies:Look up!
Interesting Fact:My hair's turning white!

FFNET Additions
Favourite Video Game:FFVII Duh!
Favourite Final Fantasy: VII
Favourite Forum Game:Evil Genie
Favourite CG Match:N/A
What class is your RPG character?:Foot Soldier
Why?:Resembles me
Who did you get in the Palis quiz (If you took it):
Favourite Board:Off-topic
Other Favourite forums:
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?:John Smith (hehehe)
If you were to live next door to another member, who would you live next to?Yoko
If you had to spend 40 days and 40 nights locked in a volcano while fending off vultures, who would you take with you? Tessa
Do you have any (friendly) rivals?: Stricklin
Who do you think is most likely to secretly be the Wizard of Oz? Yoko
Most likely to be a secret agent? My dad
Most likely to be a secret Square Enix agent? Me!!!
Most likely to join the circus? Adam
Most likely to start a cult? Jay!!!
If you were in a final fantasy esque mission what 7 other people would you bring with you? Tessa, Miyu, Jay, Cody, Dad, Yoko, Adam!
Do you believe in the Aeris resurrection? I don't know
Have you beaten Ozma?YES!!!!
Have you played Final Fantasies 1-6: No
What game systems do you have? Playstation1, N-64, XBox
What was your first Final Fantasy?FFVII
Have you played Chrono Trigger or Cross?No
Who’s your favourite FF Hero?Cloud
Who’s your favourite FF Heroine? Tifa
Favourite Villain?Sephiroth
Least Favourite Villain?Rufus
Least Favourite Hero?Cait Sith
Least Favourite Heroine?Marline
Fightnin for the country hooah!
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Old 12-12-2006, 12:52 PM   #14
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Re: Le Survey

lol, maybe i should start a cult...yeah that would be cool.
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Old 12-12-2006, 07:51 PM   #15
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Re: Le Survey

Originally Posted by EmpressCrystal
Age: 176

Originally Posted by yoko_kurama
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?: John Smith
Originally Posted by Cloud101
If you were to throw a rock at another member for no reason, who would you throw it at?:John Smith (hehehe)
I'm not talking to you two anymore >_> (Meanie Soma)
I donated all the Ninja Cookies to church. Alas, all the children got obese!

Click here to read Dragon Ball Multiverse! Includes several languages! =D
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