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Battle Tournaments Forum for all information and discussion concerning battle tournaments for the Forum RPG hack.

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Old 02-15-2006, 02:28 PM   #1
Squall Lionheart's Avatar
Squall Lionheart
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Post Tournament Tutorial....

The following Tutorial covers all the major points about the tournament to everyone wondering about don't have to read it all...just the important points if you don't care......I'm charge of answering any additional's the briefing:

Battle Tournament

Championship Briefing
Battle Rules
Prize Rewards


- Registration is free to all Duelists, no matter the level or EXP, it can be done by voting at the [Registration Thread].

-The registration thread will be open for 7 days giving the participants a chance to register and train before the tournament starts... after the Poll is closed no one is allowed to register with no exceptions made.
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I promise.

Last edited by Squall Lionheart; 10-15-2007 at 08:44 PM.
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:38 PM   #2
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Squall Lionheart
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Post Re: Tournament Tutorial....

[Championship Briefing]

- After voting, each Duelist will be sent a message to confirm his registration.

- When registration time limit expires, a neutral third party anonymus member (non-participant) will be in charge of mixing and making the battles randomly then sending them back to the Champ. supervisor (me) to post the battles on the [Calendar] where fighters will check for their battles.

- As a precaution, Duelists will be sent a notifying message on their battle day so they don't forget.

- Make sure you're fully equiped, leveled up, and healed before your opponent challenges you.
I'll be waiting...for

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I promise.

Last edited by Squall Lionheart; 10-15-2007 at 08:28 PM.
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Old 02-15-2006, 03:06 PM   #3
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Squall Lionheart
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Post Re: Tournament Tutorial....

[Battle Rules]

It is important to read and follow this so you don't get disqualified...

- Maximum time limit for a battle to take place is no longer than 5 days, after that both parties will be disqualified and the battle will be canceled unless both confirm by message that their battle is still active and finish it within 3 days extra-time, after that the battle is automatically canceled in order to keep the championship active.

- Cheating must be reported at once, for example starting a battle with an opponent without full HP, or insisting on a wager (bet)...Any member doing so will be disqualified.

- The Championship is a knock-out form in a way 1 Vs. 1 with only 1 winner, any defeated duelists don't get a second chance unless fighting for a rewarded position (3rd/4th/5th place depending on the number of participants).

- After the battle is over, the winner doesn't confirm his battle he sends a message to me of his victory, so I browse and check the battle to declare his win......until then the winner must not confirm his victory in the battle or else it won't count and the battle will have to restart and be confirmed.

- Bets aren't obligatory and have to be approved by both members.

- After every battle, each one is responsible for healing himself (HP and MP)
I'll be waiting...for

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I promise.

Last edited by Squall Lionheart; 10-15-2007 at 08:28 PM.
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Old 02-15-2006, 03:25 PM   #4
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Squall Lionheart
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Post Re: Tournament Tutorial....

[Prize Reward]

-The prize amount is determined depending on the # of participants, here is a list of current rewards according to the # of duelists......

* 1-8 Duelists:

1st: 1'000 Gils
2nd: 750 Gils
3rd: 500 Gils

* 9-16 Duelists:

1st: 2'000 Gils
2nd: 1'500 Gils
3rd: 1'000 Gils
4th: 750 Gils
5th: 500 Gils

*and so on....

- Basically, the more fighters, the greater the prize, the more positions will be rewarded, and the more likely the winners have a chance......

Best of Luck....

(Any further questions/suggestions are welcome, you can either say it here for everyone to see or send me a message and I'll do my best to help...Any unecessary talks will have to be removed so please try to be serious about it...)
I'll be waiting...for

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You'll find me.

I promise.

Last edited by Squall Lionheart; 10-15-2007 at 08:28 PM.
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