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Old 04-04-2007, 10:15 PM   #1
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Ria High School (RP-- Small)

Welcome to Ria High School!

Ria High school is a school in the middle of a universe called Sparka, where people from all over the world gather to learn about their 'abilities,' special powers granted to them at birth. Please, come join the fun and have a great time!

Profile code

Quote (optional):


(optional)Name Meaning/Nicknames: 

Gender (you got a 50/50 chance buddy):

Age (Just cause its high school you don't have to be a teen XP):

Race(Immortal races are okay but not encouraged, as long as you do not use them to powerplay.):

Arts: (Limit yourself to only 2)

Character Looks(Hair color, eye color, etc. Try to give as much detail as possible, please.):

Allignment(Good, Neutral, Evil, (I know the meaning of Evil is very iffy. But just put in what suits your character the most):


History (if your characters has one, This may increase in your stay here at Ria High):

Any weapons/armor you have(You should not have very much as a beginner, and you should earn more through rping. Same goes for the next two.):

Any items you have:

Any battle skills/magical powers you have:

Character Flaws(You must have at least two.):

Pic: (your picture may not stretch the page, If your picture stretches the page it will be removed)

Theme Song: (optional)

Please PM me your profile if you want to join, k? Then I'll add you to the list.

Areas: On Campus

Yvonne Hospital
Dining Hall
Registration Office
Shattered Melody Music Hall/Auditorium
Mattus Library
Green House
Training Hall

Areas: Off Campus

Lakeview Mall
That Place (bar)
Tikari Forest, Lake
Skating Rink
Akutare (town)
Mythril Beach
Church of Altima
The Old Willow Tree
Abandoned Factory
Movie Theatre
Homemade Love (bakery)
Ramuk's Traveling amusement park
Mako Temple
Graveyard of Zalera
The Really Big Crater

More information?
PM me xD

Note: I will assume this will be at least semi-literate, so please try to type like I am right now, and put "OOC" comments in double parentheses: i.e. ((OMG this is so fun <3))

(If this isn't in the right forum, move it please <3)

Click on JunJun's face for a rad song~

Last edited by Max the Man; 04-04-2007 at 10:37 PM.
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Old 04-04-2007, 10:26 PM   #2
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Re: Ria High School (RP-- Small)

Story Line!

As Dark Kurai and Joy fought in that other realm, they awakened the ancient beast known as Oni-Takari. As Oni-Takari began to feed of their powers, he ripped a large hole from that world to Ria High. Mattus and Aili, seeing as the beast began to drain the power of the students, quickly evacuate the whole school.

As the students scampered from the grounds in horror as the beast began to summon spawns of it's self, Mattus and AIli jumped through the whole to the other side. Finding Joy and Kurai almost completely drained, Aili went to aid them while Mattus held off the beast, best he could.

Dark Kurai, now completely drained was wiped from Kurai's body leaving the calm and in control young preist behind. Kurai, now back to his old self, quickly purified the blood inside the pendant with Aili's help. Using the last of their power Aili, Joy and Kurai called on it to empower Mattus with their power.

Finally Mattus, using the imbued powers of his comrades and the now purified angelic pendant rushed inside Oni-Takari and sacrificed his own life to vanquish the spawns of the Beats and to banish it away for as long as possible. With that the hole between the two worlds closed, only too late to save Ria high.

Now ~

A year after the total destruction of Ria High, a new school has opened for the students who were sent away. Built by one of the very people who caused the schools distruction, Kurai now takes on Mattus's role as the leader of the massive school.

With new school, new teachers, new students and even a new area to explore, what's the worse that could happen?

For more info, PM me <3


1) Posts must be at least 8 sentences. They don't have to be pages, but at least a rounded out paragraph or two.

2) No symbols like * or :: or -. Only use those in OOC posts.

3) No godmoding (controlling other's characters, making it so you never get hurt, etc.)

4) No killing other characters without their consent.

5) Have fun! That's most important, right?

Click on JunJun's face for a rad song~

Last edited by Max the Man; 04-06-2007 at 12:57 AM. Reason: N/A
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Old 04-04-2007, 10:27 PM   #3
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Re: Ria High School (RP-- Small)

Characters <3

Max the Man:
Last update: January 21st, 2007

Quote (optional): "Is this the face of a person who cares?

Name: Maximilian Marson

(optional)Name Meaning/Nicknames: Max, his teachers at home called him Maximilien

Gender (you got a 50/50 chance buddy): Male

Age (Just cause its high school you don't have to be a teen XP): 17

Race(Immortal races are okay but not encouraged, as long as you do not use them to powerplay.): Human

Arts: Water Manipulation and Cartography

Character Looks(Hair color, eye color, etc. Try to give as much detail as possible, please.): His hair, which is usually black, has been lightly bleached to be speckled with dark blonde bits, his eyes are a deep emerald green and he is usually pale or tan. He's 6'2" and weighs about 150 lbs. His usually clothes are a button down (he has many colors) and a tie (ditto) with a pair of jeans and a pair of chucks (he has 10-15 pairs of them).

Allignment(Good, Neutral, Evil, (I know the meaning of Evil is very iffy. But just put in what suits your character the most): Good

Personality: After moving back to Paris, he has become much more outgoing. He spends more time outside, wandering the streets and hanging out with friends. He's got a different side too, it's not drastically different, but will complain and right out tell you "I hate you" If you annoy him enough. Just don't get on his bad side and you'll be fine.

History (if your characters has one, This may increase in your stay here at Ria High):

Before Ria_He was born in California and moved to France at age 2. He lived in Paris, but was near an open field and loved to explore in the fields outside of his home. One day, he got attacked by a bear and has a large scar on his back. But, that bear attack tapped into his energy reserves and gave him his ability to manipulate water. He fended off the bear and went to the hospital. That was 10 years ago. The winter before he enrolled in Ria, he was searching through the woods again. Just after his 16th birthday, and he was in the same spot as the bear attack. He wandered furthur in, checking for any wildlife so he could escape before he got hurt, but instead, found a large iron wrought gate with brass letters that spelled "Ria High School" The gates opened upon his arrival and he wandered into them, finding a place brimming with energy and happiness. This was where he belonged. He felt it instantly. He smiled at this new place and was questioned by an android. "Welcome to Ria High School, may I please see your acceptance letter?" he stared at the girl quietly before reacting. "May I have an application...? I found this place by mistake and..." the girl nodded and handed him a small form. He accepted the form and left. Silently filling it out and sending it in. He soon got his acceptance letter and left to the school.

During Ria_ During his stay at Ria, before the incident with Joy and Kurai-sama, he enjoyed the school. He spent much of his first winter in the courtyard, admiring the snow and practicing water manipulation with the dew that hadn't quite frozen yet. He met quite a few friends in his first month, all of whom he never saw again. A boy named Winter, Joy, Campanilla, and a teacher, Rayan. He also met another boy Seth, and then moved the the Greenhouse where he met Tomoro. Soon enough, he met Fayth, a girl he saw a few times, and his old Parisian school friend Bijou, who, apparently, is an angel sent to protect someone. He spent that year like any other school student, making friends and enjoying himself. One day, he found himself in the hot springs. He met a girl-- Wendy. He befriended the girl and called the girl his little sister. He spoiled the girl for the last few months of his year until the school was destroyed. Then he moved back to Paris, long awaiting the day when he could move back to his lovely school.

Now_ Max hasn't changed much since his leave of Ria. He's only become richer, after opening a small cafe in Paris with his childhood friend Alain. Now, even while he's at his "Mysterious Boarding School" as many of his Parisian friends call it, he gets money in his account. He found Ria again while wandering the streets. He saw a familiar face-- Mattus. Only this time, it was a bronze statue. He had never met Mattus personally, only seen him on the many portraits in the hallways of Ria. The statue was in a poster advertising for the new and improved Ria High School. He decided to go back to finish his High School education and left his house.

Any weapons/armor you have(You should not have very much as a beginner, and you should earn more through rping. Same goes for the next two.): A small knife with his name inscripted on it. At the old Forest Lake Mall, he bought a Claymore with the Latin phrase 'Ad Astra' (to the stars) on it.

Any items you have: Regular school supplies, lots of moneh, an iPod video and a sketch pad

Any battle skills/magical powers you have:

Water Manipulation is a power common among Ria students. It, as obvious by the name, is the ability to command water with the mind. It can be used both offensively and defensively

Cartography may sound like drafting maps and everything, but it's not. Max has found the ability to draw maps and the places he creates become real. Unfortunately, he hasn't had the power long and can't use it effectively. Most of the time his places are flawed and fall apart easily or he only can use them for a set time limit before they disappear.

Character Flaws(You must have at least two.): His powers are sporadic and act up in flares, his 'bad side' is hard to get along with.

Pic: (your picture may not stretch the page, If your picture stretches the page it will be removed)

Theme Song: (optional) Such great heights by Postal Service

Click on JunJun's face for a rad song~

Last edited by Max the Man; 04-04-2007 at 10:36 PM.
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Old 04-04-2007, 11:14 PM   #4
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Re: Ria High School (RP-- Small)

Moving to RPG Stories.

Since, y'know, RP stories with Out Of Character and such usually count as RPG stories. Plus RP=Role Playing anyway.

But, enough babble. I might PM you in a second, for some more information. I'm a bit interested myself.
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