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Final Fantasy Tactics / Tactics Advance Final Fantasy goes Tactical based! Its been reborn Several times, a classic, and a favorite of many! |
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#1 |
Cactuar Thorn
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 57
FFnut's Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics
All following text is copyrighted by FFnut if any site uses this walkthrough without my permission the person who stole it will find themselves castrated and/or ripped out through their crotch (depending on gender) the only site with current permission to host this walkthrough is FFNET.NET allow me to reiterate if anyone steals this I will find you and cause the greatest pain you've ever felt. *gasp* Here we go now.
FFnut's Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics v0.8 Hey, readers! I’m FFnut, and I’ll be your guide through Final Fantasy Tactics. Now, throughout this little walkthrough, I’ll be giving you my personal notes as well as standard information on these battles. Be warned, though: spoilers probably come in fairly thick at later points, so you may want to avoid looking at this too far down. Ctrl+F the name of the battle you're looking for itself, not the letters beforehand - those are just for show. Here we go! FFnut’s Notes: The little story thing you see in the beginning before the start menu makes no sense. At all. After playing through the game about eighty times, I STILL don’t get it. Also note that this game has some horrible mistranslation errors in it *shudders at thought of Ramza’s speech after Chapter Three* so if you see anything in text that looks a little weird, don’t worry, it’s about to get a lot worse. One last thing – I won’t be giving you any specific class-changing strategies. Half the fun in this game is coming up with your own formations and strategies for your characters. Some battles become much easier if you use certain classes or have certain abilities, so I’ll be sure to flag you about those cases. Opening a. The Beginning Chapter One: The Meager a. Gariland Academy b. Meeting Algus Of The Aegis c. Monsters In The Woods d. Slumming With Death e. Sand Rat Cellar f. Miluda Folles g. Miluda’s Last Stand h. Wiegraf Wants Revenge i. Algus Sadalfas, The Traitor Chapter Two: The Manipulator And The Subservient j. Deadly Deal k. Choco-Boco l. No Shortage Of Traitors m. Meet Mustadio n. Learn To Fear Bariaus Hill o. Zigolis Zombies p. Rudvich’s Greed q. Agrias’ Return r. Execution Of A Plan s. The Dark Knight’s Demise t. Scorpio’s Sting Chapter Three: The Valiant u. Astrology Not Pertaining To The Stones v. Heresy At Its Finest w. Stalling Tactics x. Izlude Is Awesome y. Long Time No See z. Nanten Desserters… um, Deserters aa. Rafa Is Stupid bb. Dead Magic cc. Sibling Rivalry dd. In Goes A White Knight… dd2. …Out Comes A Warlock Demon! ee. No, Really, Rafa Is Stupid Chapter Four: Somebody To Love ff. Who Names An Area “Doguola?” gg. The Third Tingel hh. Choco Rush! ii. Fat Man On The Rooftop jj. The Other Engineer kk. Garrison’s North/South Wall ll. Those Knights Are The Tactics Version Of Campers mm. Proof That God Exists nn. He's Not Bad With Undead Either oo. Ultima Assassins pp. The Wonders Of Face-Lifting qq. The Dark Angel rr. Yes, Dycedarg Is The Oldest... rr2. Fury's Ghost
What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now, From deep within the flow of time... But, for a certainty, back then, We loved so many, yet hated so much, We hurt others and were hurt ourselves... Yet even then, we ran like the wind, Whilst our laughter echoed, Under cerulean skies... |
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#2 |
Cactuar Thorn
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 57
Re: FFnut's Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics
O. Opening
The Beginning “I am Alazam…” blah blah blah. This Alazam guy really gets on my nerves. After he explains what the game is about (the gist of it is, everyone thinks Delita Hyral saved the world but really some other guy did and this is the real story) you get to name your main character. The default name for him is Ramza, but for all I care, you can name him Sparky. After this you’ll be asked to choose a birthday. The specific date of the birthday has no effect on the game, but it will determine his Zodiac Sign, something that affects damage and such depending on other Zodiac Signs. The basic explanation is that some Zodiac Signs have “good” compatibility with each other, increasing damage, while others have “bad” compatibility. Pick a birthday and continue. FFnut’s Notes: Capricorn is a good choice for this game. Most of the tougher bosses in this game are Virgos, which has “good” compatibility with Capricorn, meaning increased damage both ways. Pick a birthday in early January/late December to get this. The game then picks up in Orbonne Monastery. Princess Ovelia is praying there. Some knights come in (including Sparky… uh, Ramza) and a bunch of talking ensues. Then a wounded knight comes in and the knights go outside to fight a bunch of people trying to kidnap the princess. Then the battle begins. FFnut’s Notes: If you lose this battle without TRYING to lose it, you should just turn the game off and leave the room. Preferably through a window if you’re on the second floor of a building or higher. Battle One: The Beginning Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Knight x 1, Chemist x 1, Archer x 3 Guests: Agrias (Holy Knight), Gafgarion (Dark Knight), Rad (Squire), Alicia (Knight), Lavian (Knight) This battle, I believe, is impossible to lose unless you TRY to lose, and even then it’s very hard to. You’ll only have control of Ramza during this battle. Let your Guests walk all over the enemies, and you should be fine. After the battle, Delita will show up, grab Ovelia, and escape on a chocobo. Then Ramza will reminisce about when he first met Delita, one year previously… I. Chapter One: The Meager The Flashback Ramza will flashback to when he first met Delita. You’ll learn the Marquis Elmdor of Limberry is coming to visit Prince Larg and you’ll get news of thieves outside. Then the battle will start. FFnut’s Notes: The words “little money” take FOREVER to come onto the screen when it explains what life was like, so don’t worry, your game isn’t slowing down. Battle Two: Gariland Academy Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Squire x 4, Chemist x 1 Guests: Delita (Squire) FFnut’s Notes: When choosing characters other than Ramza to put into battle, choose the two squires with the highest Brave values, and both of the chemists. This should set you up for a good long-term party. This battle is rather difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing, and even then it’s not exactly a cakewalk. Just try to overwhelm the opposition with your characters and have your chemists heal anyone who really gets hurt. Watch for the enemy chemist – he’ll try to heal his allies too. After the battle you get a Mythril Knife – equip it on one of your chemists. Then go to Mandalia Plains. You will get a cutscene before you leave Gariland, but then just go to Mandalia to continue your adventure. FFnut’s Notes: Try to teach Ramza Yell as soon as possible. It helps out with every boss you’ll meet until Chapter Four, when you get to learn a better ability. Try to teach him Accumulate as well, but that’s not as important as Yell is. Battle Three: Meeting Algus Of The Aegis Objective: Defeat All Enemies! or Save Algus! Enemies: Thief x 1, Squire x 3, Red Panther x 1 Guests: Delita, Algus (Squire) As this battle begins, you’ll have the choice to make your priority taking out the Death Corps or saving Algus. It’s your choice, it just changes the battle a tad. FFnut’s Notes: Pick the first choice. The second choice requires Algus to stay alive, whereas the first choice means you just have to bash the enemies. The first choice also adds Brave to your characters, which may come in handy. Fight this battle like you fought the last one – with reckless abandon. If you chose to save Algus, move a chemist in to heal him if he gets hurt badly. After this happens, Algus will explain that Marquis Elmdor was kidnapped by the Death Corps. When Ramza mentions his older brothers, Dycedarg and Zalbag, Algus joins you to ask their assistance in saving the Marquis. Head to Igros. You’ll meet Dycedarg, Alma, Teta, and Zalbag. Zalbag will suggest that you head for Dorter Trade City. Do so. Battle Four: Monsters In The Woods Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Bomb x 2, Red Panther, Goblin x 2, Black Goblin Guests: Delita, Algus Your first story battle with monsters! These things aren’t too hard to take on, so just try your hardest. Remember not to use fire magic on the bombs, they’ll only heal from it. You can also try using ice magic on the goblins, I’m pretty sure they’re weak against it. Battle Five: Slumming With Death Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Wizard x 2, Knight, Archer x 3 Guests: Delita, Algus This is a nasty battle. The knight and wizards can blast your characters into oblivion while the archers pick you off from a distance. You need a bit of strategy for each type: Archers: Don’t worry about the archer on the tall building, Delita and Algus will take care of it (this is also the most dangerous archer in this battle). Ignore the bow-less archer as well, as he can only deal about 5 damage with his fist. The last archer shouldn’t be too bad either, but try to kill it as you go after the wizards. Wizards: They have some spells that can really hurt, so just try to take them out as soon as you can. Take out the possibly-threatening archer while going after these guys. If they lock a spell on one of your characters, move that character next to an enemy so they’ll take damage as well. Knight: This guy has a powerful attack, high HP, and evades like a ninja. Try to overwhelm him when you can. FFnut’s Notes: Find this battle too hard? Try leveling up with random battles in Sweegy Woods and Mandalia Plains. After this battle, you get to watch Algus kick the living hell out of some poor Death Corps guy. He’ll tell you that Gustav took the Marquis to Zeklaus Desert and that Wiegraf, the leader of the Death Corps, is going to kill Gustav because kidnapping the Marquis was Gustav’s idea and a really stupid thing to do. Battle Six: Sand Rat Cellar Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Knight x 3, Monk x 2, Archer Guests: Delita, Algus Put all of your physical fighters in the first group, while your mages go in the second. Have your mages attack everything the back way while your fighters pick off the slowly-exiting knights at the front door. Of course, you could reverse the positions, having the mages blast the tightly-packed knights at the front door while the physical fighters enter from behind. Either way, this is a very easy battle if you use the element of surprise from the back door well. You’ll find the Marquis after this battle, and you’ll get to see Wiegraf kill Gustav. Go back to Igros to meet up with Dycedarg and Prince Larg. They’ll tell you to go to the Thieves’ Fort to fight some Death Corps guys. Battle Seven: Miluda Folles Objective: Defeat Miluda! Enemies: Miluda (Knight), Thief x 3, Priest x 2 Guests: Delita, Algus Try to pick off the Priests early on, they have magic and it will only serve to make things very difficult. The thieves can also be rather annoying if you have any female units – these thieves can charm them into fighting against you for a while. Miluda, being a knight, has a huge amount of HP and a high chance of evasion, so this battle can take a while. Make sure none of your units decay. After this your characters will let Miluda go while the remainder of the Death Corps kidnaps Teta at Igros Castle. Go back to Igros to find out how much of a prick Algus really is and that apparently, to catch the Death Corps at Fort Zeakden, you have to go the back way (you’ll see what I mean after Chapter One) so you’d best be prepared. Battle Eight: Miluda’s Last Stand Objective: Defeat Miluda! Enemies: Miluda (Knight), Knight x 2, Wizard x 2, Time Mage Guests: Delita Let Delita do his thing (i. e. get killed) while you take on the enemies. The time mage is going to piss you off to no end in this battle, so try to stop it ASAP. The wizards can also make life difficult, and the knights can make maneuvering a pain, but with a little luck you can pull off a victory. After Miluda dies, Delita will begin to question himself. Just press on. When you get to Fovoham Plains, you’ll have a short cutscene where Wiegraf tells one of his subordinates, Golagros, to take Teta to Fort Zeakden while he deals with you. Battle Nine: Wiegraf Wants Revenge Objective: Defeat Wiegraf! Enemies: Wiegraf (White Knight), Monk x 2, Knight, Chocobo Guests: Delita Uh-oh. Wiegraf knows you killed his sister and now he wants to kill you. Too bad he’s so easy. Slam him with everything you’ve got and pray that he doesn’t pull off a killing Crush Punch on you. After beating on him enough, he’ll teleport out and the battle will end. FFnut’s Notes: The name of the chocobo in this battle is Boco. How do I know this? You run into him later in the game. I’ll be sure to tell you when.
What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now, From deep within the flow of time... But, for a certainty, back then, We loved so many, yet hated so much, We hurt others and were hurt ourselves... Yet even then, we ran like the wind, Whilst our laughter echoed, Under cerulean skies... |
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#3 |
Cactuar Thorn
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 57
Re: FFnut's Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics
You’ll find out that Golagros still has Teta and he went to Zeakden with her. Once you arrive there, you’ll see him threatening to blow up the fort, using Teta as a hostage. The Hokuten Knights, led by your brother Zalbag, arrive to stop him. Golagros threatens to kill Teta right there. Zalbag calls Algus over, and Algus shoots Teta. Zalbag leaves to go search for Wiegraf, leaving Algus to deal with Golagros. The Death Corps soldier hides in the fort. Delita screams at Algus, who proclaims you “traitors” and decides to kill you himself.
Battle Ten: Algus Sadalfas, the Traitor FFnut’s Notes: I absolutely HATE Algus. Not because he’s hard, but because he’s a BASTARD. Where was I? Oh yeah, the strategy. Objective: Defeat Algus! Enemies: Algus (Knight), Knight x 3, Wizard x 2 Guests: Delita This is dangerous. Focus everything you can on Algus from the beginning. On the bastard’s second turn, he’ll say something to Ramza causing his Brave to drop. Kill him quickly to prevent this. FFnut’s Notes: There really isn’t much strategy for any of Chapter One except to kill everything, have you noticed? Later on the strategies get a bit more specialized, but nothing too difficult. END OF CHAPTER ONE Flashback’s over! Now you’re back to right after Princess Ovelia was kidnapped by Delita one year after the events at Fort Zeakden. The entire first chapter was a flashback, doesn’t that make you feel better? Rad, Alicia, and Lavian from the first battle join your team now and Gafgarion and Agrias join as guests. II. Chapter Two: The Manipulator And The Subservient Princess Hunting Head to Dorter to get into another battle. FFnut’s Notes: You’re fighting in the actual Dorter this time, not the slums, so don’t be surprised when you get a different battlefield. Battle Eleven: Deadly Deal Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Thief x 2, Archer x 2, Wizard x 2 Guests: Gafgarion, Agrias This nasty battle starts out with a knight offering a thief money to kill you. After haggling over the price a bit, the thief agrees to fight you and the knight leaves. When you show up the thief calls in reinforcements. Apparently, Gafgarion has a reputation of being powerful and this guy is scared. Gafgarion and Agrias will pound through the enemies, but that doesn’t mean you can slack off. Eliminate the wizards; they’re the greatest threat. After that take out the most dangerous units (probably the archers). You should be fine as long as the wizards don’t fry your team with magic. The only place Delita could have gone is Bethla Garrison, so go there to try and save Ovelia. Battle Twelve: Choco-Boco Objective: Defeat All Enemies! or Save Boco! Enemies: Black Goblin, Goblin x 5 Guests: Gafgarion, Agrias, Boco (Chocobo) FFnut’s Notes: You’ll have the choice to make the enemies or the guest your priority again, just like when you first met the little rat Algus. Making Boco your priority raises your Brave, but also means he cannot die or it’s game over. Luckily, these monsters aren’t very strong, so don’t hesitate to try to get your Brave up. A nice strategy to try in this battle is to get one of your characters to ride Boco (have them move onto the space that Boco is on) so that the goblins can’t hit him. This battle isn’t really too hard, try any of your goblin-killer strategies to finish it quickly. FFnut’s Notes: Remember I told you that you’d be seeing Wiegraf’s chocobo again? This is him! Boco will join your team after this battle. Continue to chase down Delita. FFnut’s Notes: Unequip all of Gafgarion’s equipment, change him to a class he has no skills in (preferably Priest, if you didn’t teach him any White Magic) and make sure he won’t pose a threat to anything he’ll fight. Why? You’ll see… Battle Thirteen: No Shortage Of Traitors Objective: Save Princess Ovelia! Enemies: Gafgarion, Knight x 5 Guests: Agrias, Delita (Holy Knight), Ovelia (Princess) Just when you thought you couldn’t have any more characters turn on you in this game, Gafgarion decides he’s a bad guy. Luckily, Delita will help you out in this battle. This battle is actually fairly easy; just make sure you focus on one knight at a time (let Delita deal with the further-away knights) and hope that Ovelia doesn’t do anything stupid. After the battle Delita will leave and Ovelia will join as a guest. Bethla will vanish from the map and you’ll decide to go to Lionel Castle to keep Ovelia safe. FFnut’s Notes: Unequip Ovelia. She doesn’t fight for the rest of the game; it’s pointless for her to have any equipment on. Battle Fourteen: Meet Mustadio Objective: Defeat All Enemies! or Save Mustadio! Enemies: Archer x 2, Wizard x 2, Knight x 2 Guests: Agrias, Mustadio (Engineer) FFnut’s Notes: Choosing to save Mustadio will raise your Brave, just like with Boco, but you’ll need to keep him alive to win. Mustadio is a man from Goug who supposedly has a “Holy Stone” and is running from some guys who work for a man named Rudvich. This battle is fairly tough if you chose to save Mustadio, because the guests in this game are stupid and tend to get themselves killed. The wizards and archers can make life tough, and the knights have powerful attacks if you get too close. Agrias’s Holy Sword can save you from a few problems, and don’t forget to keep Mustadio covered. His gun is powerful, but if they get too close he could be dead quickly. After the battle, your team talks to Mustadio. He doesn’t want to give you too much information, but he’ll tell you that he wants to meet the Cardinal at Lionel too. He’ll join you as a guest for the time being. Battle Fifteen: Learn To Fear Bariaus Hill Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Summoner x 2, Archer x 2, Knight x 2 Guests: Agrias, Mustadio FFnut’s Notes: Why such a foreboding title for this battle? Bariaus Hill not only houses one of the toughest story battles (this one) in the game, but it’s also the location of a very difficult random battle in Chapter Four. This battle is a major pain. Don’t be surprised if you have to reset multiple times from death. This battle always seems to shift the largest threat to be from the units that you don’t try to kill. The summoners tend to be very annoying, so try to take them out first. Make sure to give Mustadio and Agrias plenty of cover or they could end up dying very quickly. If your teammates decay and you want to keep them, reset. This battle can take a very long time to complete. When you get to Lionel, Agrias and Ovelia will stay there while you go with Mustadio to Goug. You’ll also gain some insight to what this “Holy Stone” is. Get to Goug as quickly as possible. FFnut’s Notes: Here’s a good question; if Goug is far to the west of Lionel, how did he end up at Zaland so far NORTH of Lionel without passing the castle? Battle Sixteen: Zigolis Zombies Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Varies, but I had Flotiball, Morbol, Ghoul x 2, Skeleton x 2 Guests: Mustadio Mustadio will show off his Seal Evil ability here. They’re monsters, so they’re not too big of a deal. Absolute cake compared to the last battle. After being stalled by these monsters, go to Goug. Once there, Mustadio will leave to find his father and you can check out the stores. Trying to leave will initiate the next battle. Battle Seventeen: Rudvich’s Greed Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Summoner x 2, Thief x 2, Archer x 2 Guests: Mustadio (Engineer) Rudvich will show up with a captured Mustadio. Mustadio will tell you where the stone is – you’ll automatically give it to Rudvich and he’ll leave some soldiers to fight you. Mustadio will die quickly, so don’t bother reviving him. Take the summoners and thieves early, the thieves will charm your party against itself and the summoners have a nasty bunch of spells. The archers aren’t too much of a threat this time around, so don’t be afraid to ignore them. Turns out, Mustadio had you give Rudvich a fake stone. He’ll give you the real one and you’ll have to go back to Lionel to save Ovelia and Agrias. Mustadio will join you as a full-time character (meaning you have control of him) now. FFnut’s Notes: I bet you want to know what the Holy Stone does, eh? As Mustadio would say, “I can’t tell you now.” FFnut's Notes: Hang on to Mustadio, even if you don't plan on using him. He's required to get a bunch of secret characters later on. Battle Eighteen: Agrias’ Return Objective: Save Agrias! Enemies: Knight x 2, Wizard x 2, Archer x 2 Guests: Agrias (Holy Knight) At Bariaus Valley, you’ll find Agrias running from some Lionel Knights. This battle isn’t hard at all. Agrias should be perfectly fine, but if her HP gets a little low, you might want to heal her. Nothing out of the ordinary here. After this, Agrias will join full-time. Her Holy Sword abilities are amazingly powerful, so she’ll serve you well for most of the battles in the game.
What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now, From deep within the flow of time... But, for a certainty, back then, We loved so many, yet hated so much, We hurt others and were hurt ourselves... Yet even then, we ran like the wind, Whilst our laughter echoed, Under cerulean skies... |
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#4 |
Cactuar Thorn
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 57
Re: FFnut's Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics
Battle Nineteen: Execution Of A Plan Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Gafgarion (Dark Knight), Knight x 3, Time Mage x 2, Archer x 2 Guests: None FFnut’s Notes: If you have someone who knows the thief ability Steal Weapon, take Gafgarion’s Blood Sword. It’s the only one in the game and can help you out in the next battle. Why oh why did they have to put this battle in the game? It’s one of the toughest battles ever, and no matter how many times I play it, it doesn’t get any easier. I can’t give you a real strategy for this battle because every unit poses a threat. Try taking Gafgarion out first, his Night Sword can really hurt, then take out the archers. The knights aren’t any worse than the knights you’ve fought before, and the time mages can be a little nasty but they’re fine overall. The only thing you can really do is pray that you won’t die. Battle Twenty: The Dark Knight’s Demise Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Gafgarion (Dark Knight), Summoner, Archer x 2, Knight x 3 Guests: None Ramza will be on one side of the gate, fighting Gafgarion alone. The rest of your party will be on the other side, with all of Gafgarion’s henchmen. Move Ramza to the switch to open the gate if you really need the help, but Gafgarion isn’t too hard alone. On the other side, try to kill the summoner and archers fast, they’re a big threat (especially since the archers have magic bows) and they can decimate your team. All in all, not a tough battle. Battle Twenty-One: Scorpio’s Sting Objective: Defeat Queklain! Enemies: Queklain (Impure King, Lucavi) Guests: None Draclau activates the Scorpio stone and turns into Queklain, the Tainted King of the Lucavi. Queklain then begins his attack. Impure King Queklain Abilities: Bio, Bio2, Bio3, Nightmare Strategy: Queklain tends to open with Nightmare, causing Sleep or Death Sentence to everything it hits. He doesn’t have too much HP, so ganging up on him should yield a quick victory. You get the Scorpio stone from this battle, increasing your Holy Stone count to two. END OF CHAPTER TWO By now you should be able to partially piece together the sequence of events; Gafgarion worked for Dycedarg in an attempt to kidnap Ovelia, and then he worked for Draclau in order to dispose of you. Draclau hired Rudvich to get the Taurus stone, but you fouled that plan up. This Vormav guy was also in on Draclau’s plot, as Draclau met Ovelia with him. Vormav (although you may not recognize him) is also the knight who hired the thieves in battle eleven. Scary, huh? And the plot’s insanity is only beginning, trust me. III. Chapter Three: The Valiant The Holy Stones Head to Goland Coal City now. Get ready for another battle and another character. Battle Twenty-Two: Astrology Not Pertaining To The Stones Objective: Save Olan! Enemies: Mediator, Thief x 3, Chemist x 2 Guests: Olan (Astrologist) 80% of your battle strategy will consist of pummeling paralyzed enemies as Olan unleashes Galaxy Stop after Galaxy Stop. If the thieves manage to charm one of your characters, you could be in trouble, so take them out quickly. Also hope that the mediator doesn’t talk down your brave or faith, those could be potentially worse than death. Other than those dangers, watch for the chemists’ guns, and you should be fine. FFnut’s Notes: Does Olan’s last name sound familiar? Read the Zodiac Brave Story for Alazam J. D. It will mention the “Durai Writings.” Keep going towards Lesalia, your goal. After speaking to Zalbag, try to leave. Alma will catch you and suddenly the Heresy Examiner, Zalmo, will show up to arrest you. Battle Twenty-Three: Heresy At Its Finest Objective: Defeat Zalmo! Enemies: Zalmo (Holy Priest), Knight x 3, Monk x 2 Guests: Alma (Cleric) This battle would be a lot easier if your non-Ramza units didn’t start behind a brick wall. Quickly get out to the main battlefield and focus on Zalmo. He should go down quickly. This battle really isn’t a problem. Alma will join as a guest as you decide to go to Orbonne. Prepare a second save file, because you’re going to go though a series of three battles before you can get back outside. FFnut’s Notes: Just like Ovelia in Chapter Two, Alma does no fighting at all. Unequip her stuff; it’s pretty nice equipment for mages. Also, around now a new rumor will pop up at bars. Apparently Marquis Elmdor was killed in battle. How sad… Battle Twenty-Four: Stalling Tactics Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Lancer x 3, Chemist, Time Mage x 2 Guests: None Kill the chemist. I cannot stress that point enough. The chemist will heal the lancers, making most of your damage null, until you kill it. Then focus on one unit at a time until they’re all dead. Battle Twenty-Five: Izlude Is Awesome Objective: Defeat Izlude! Enemies: Izlude (Knight Blade), Knight x 2, Archer x 2, Summoner Guests: None Izlude can jump. He has 100% chance to hit his target. My question is: Why can’t this guy join your team? Izlude is a beefed-up knight with a lancer’s jump as backup. He also hits with 100% accuracy. And he has a nasty support team. Slam him with everything you have before his soldiers can gain the upper hand and destroy you. Battle Twenty-Six: Long Time No See Objective: Defeat Wiegraf! Enemies: Wiegraf (White Knight), Knight x 2, Wizard, Archer x 2 Guests: None Just rush Wiegraf. This battle shouldn’t be as difficult as the previous one, but keep an eye on the wizards; they usually have some nasty magic up their sleeves (as wizards tend to) and they won’t hesitate to use it. Once Wiegraf is weak enough he’ll flee and the battle will end. Chase Wiegraf out and watch the following scenes. After Wiegraf uses the Aries stone to become the Lucavi Magician Velius, you’ll follow him and Izlude to Riovanes Castle. FFnut’s Notes: I recommend reading the Germonik Scriptures, especially if you know the story of Easter and the Last Supper and all that. You’ll get a kick out of it. Battle Twenty-Seven: Nanten Desserters… um, Deserters Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Thief, Chemist x 2, Squire x 2, Archer Guests: None Get the thief first; her Steal Heart causes nothing but trouble. Next come the chemists, with their guns and reviving abilities. Get the squires out fast if they cause too much damage. The archer really isn’t a threat at all.
What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now, From deep within the flow of time... But, for a certainty, back then, We loved so many, yet hated so much, We hurt others and were hurt ourselves... Yet even then, we ran like the wind, Whilst our laughter echoed, Under cerulean skies... |
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#5 |
Cactuar Thorn
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 57
Re: FFnut's Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics
Olan shows up and talks to you about his stepfather (he may say father-in-law, this game wasn’t exactly translated well) and he’ll leave. Next stop, Yardow Fort City!
Battle Twenty-Eight: Rafa Is Stupid Objective: Save Rafa! Enemies: Malak (Hell Knight), Summoner x 2, Ninja x 3 Guests: Rafa (Heaven Knight) The AI for Rafa is absolutely terrible. She will most likely jump into death headfirst, giving you a game over. If this happens, stop, take a deep breath, say to yourself, “Rafa is stupid,” and try again. Other than Rafa’s stupidity, this battle really shouldn’t be as difficult as it seems. The ninjas have fairly low HP, as do the summoners. Then slaughter Malak. This isn’t too bad as long as Rafa doesn’t kill herself… which is very likely. Stupid – I mean, Rafa – will join as a guest while you search for both Alma and Malak. Press on towards Riovanes. FFnut’s Notes: If you get up to this part, keep an eye out for the exploding frog. Battle Twenty-Nine: Dead Magic Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Gust, Ghoul, Revenant, Time Mage x 2, Wizard x 2 Guests: Rafa All enemies are undead. In any given Final Fantasy, what is the best way to dispose of undead? Phoenix Downs, of course! Use Phoenix Downs on the enemies, it should cause instant death to them. Use Mustadio’s Seal Evil, too; it petrifies undead preventing them from returning. Next stop, Riovanes Castle! Get another save ready; you have a bunch of tough battles ahead with no time in between to go get better equipment. Battle Thirty: Sibling Rivalry Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Malak (Hell Knight), Knight x 3, Archer x 3 Guests: Rafa If either Malak or Rafa gets too weak, they’ll both disappear, so don’t worry about Malak for now. Have your secondary team fight both of the knights there, while Ramza moves across the bridge. Kill the knight there then move up to take out the archers. This battle is nothing compared to the next one. Battle Thirty-One: In Goes A White Knight… Objective: Defeat Wiegraf! Enemies: Wiegraf (White Knight) Guests: None This battle causes many players to cry uncontrollably. It’s a one-on-one duel between Ramza and Wiegraf, and it’s not easy. If you’ve been keeping up with my notes, read them below for a nice tip; if not, then you’ll need a lot of luck and healing power, because Wiegraf hits HARD. If Ramza has powerful magic (i. e. Flare, Holy) at his disposal, a shot of that should fry Wiegraf in one shot. FFnut’s Notes: Remember I had you learn Yell and (possibly) Accumulate back in Chapter One? This is where they shine. Run away from Wiegraf and keep using Yell to boost your speed. If you need it, healing power could help out in between Yells. Boost your speed to the absolute MAX, which is 50, and then start Accumulating, if possible, to raise your attack strength. Then move in and kick his ass. This will also set you up pretty well for the continuation of this fight. Battle Thirty-One-And-A-Half: …Out Comes A Warlock Demon! Objective: Defeat Velius! Enemies: Velius (Warlock, Lucavi), Archaic Demon x 3 Guests: None So by some stroke of luck you made it past Wiegraf… don’t screw up here, or you’ll have to do that whole fight all over again. After Wiegraf uses Aries to turn into the giant ram, it’s almost over. Warlock Velius Abilities: Cyclops, Titan, Loss, Seal Strategy: Fight him almost like you fought Queklain back in Chapter Two, but be ready to revive in case he gets off a good summon or the demons use Lifebreak or Dark Holy. FFnut’s Notes: If you Yelled and Accumulated to insanity against Wiegraf, Velius can be taken out by Ramza alone. You’ll head up to the rooftop to get back the Taurus and Scorpio stones, and you’ll run into someone else familiar… Battle Thirty-Two: No, Really, Rafa Is Stupid Objective: Save Rafa! Enemies: Elmdor (Arc Knight), Celia (Assassin), Lede (Assassin) Guests: Rafa (Heaven Knight) FFnut’s Notes: But… didn’t the rumor say he was dead? What gives? You only have to beat one of the three enemies to complete the battle, but Rafa will often die before you can even move. The assassins have Stop Bracelet (instant death), Allure (charm), and Shadow Stitch (instant stop), which can really hurt your chances of victory. Elmdor uses Draw Out abilities like a samurai, so that can hurt too. If Rafa doesn’t die before you can move, focus everything you have on one assassin. If you deal enough damage all three flee and the battle is over. Yay! END OF CHAPTER THREE Scorpio will bring Malak back to life and he’ll realize he should help you. You’ll get Pisces as well as all your old stones, so the total should be four. After Ramza says something which makes no sense… AT ALL… Rafa and Malak will join as permanent members and you’ll have new purpose as you decide to hunt for Alma and Vormav. FFnut’s Notes: I didn’t think God made holy stones but… more evil… Well… Lucavi made them to land in this world… IV. Chapter Four: Somebody To Love The Home Stretch FFnut’s Notes: Yes, the song runs through my head every time I think of this chapter’s name, too. Bah. You’ll leave Riovanes and decide to look for Alma. But first you have to visit Delita in Zeltennia. FFnut’s Notes: Learn Ramza’s Guts ability “Scream” now. It combines the powers of Yell, Accumulate, and two Cheer Ups into one ability, plus it boosts magic power! It’s the ultimate support ability… but it can only be used BY Ramza ON Ramza. Such is the price you pay for an amazing ability like that. Also, don’t use Rafa or Malak. EVER. Their Truth/Untruth abilities are too random to be very effective. Battle Thirty-Three: Who Names An Area “Doguola?” Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Knight, Lancer x 2, Wizard x 2, Archer Guests: None This is fairly simple. The wizards can really hurt, especially if you’re trying out Rafa and Malak. Thus, they should be dealt with first. The lancers also like to gang up on one of your characters together (in my game it’s usually Agrias) so try to stay positive. This battle can be tough if you underestimate the enemies, so stay on your toes and you shouldn’t have too many problems. Keep going… Battle Thirty-Four: The Third Tingel Objective: Defeat Meliadoul! Enemies: Meliadoul (Divine Knight), Summoner x 2, Ninja, Archer x 2 Guests: None Look what we have here – Vormav’s daughter and Izlude’s sister. She wants revenge for her brother (even though Vormav and the Lucavi killed him) and she’s got a difficult team. Attack her quickly and reset if she breaks anything valuable you have equipped. She’s not too hard. FFnut’s Notes: If you can, steal Meliadoul’s Chantage. It gives infinite reraise to any female you equip it on. Battle Thirty-Five: Choco Rush! Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: A bunch of Chocobos and possibly an Uribo Guests: None This battle is legendary because it teaches you that immense numbers of chocobos really are dangerous. Each type of chocobo serves as a different “class” if you will; The Red Chocobos are the warriors. The Black Chocobos are the mages. The Yellow Chocobos are the healers. Naturally, the Yellow Chocobos are the most annoying with their healing abilities, but the Reds can use Choco Meteor for nice damage with the Blacks running interference. The Uribo poses no threat should it appear, so just do everything in your power to wipe out the chocobos before they can really piss you off. Go to Zeltennia, talk to Delita, then deal with Zalmo again. Battle Thirty-Six: Fat Man On The Rooftop Objective: Defeat Zalmo! Enemies: Zalmo (Holy Priest), Knight x 3, Oracle x 2 Guests: Delita (Holy Knight) Zalmo’s standing all the way up top on the rooftop – but not too far of a distance away. And magic doesn’t only reach up a certain height. What does this mean? It means you can hit the fat guy with magic! A powerful spell should fry him, and Delita might even take him out in one shot. This battle is almost too easy. Delita will introduce you to Balmafula, an Arc Witch. After some discussion of stuff pertaining to the war, you’ll head to Bethla Garrison. There’s gonna be a big battle between the Hokuten and the Nanten there, so keep your guard up. Of course, first you’ll have to cross Bed Desert.
What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now, From deep within the flow of time... But, for a certainty, back then, We loved so many, yet hated so much, We hurt others and were hurt ourselves... Yet even then, we ran like the wind, Whilst our laughter echoed, Under cerulean skies... |
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#6 |
Cactuar Thorn
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 57
Re: FFnut's Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics
Battle Thirty-Seven: The Other Engineer Objective: Defeat Balk! Enemies: Balk (Engineer), Knight x 2, Archer x 2, Wizard Guests: None FFnut’s Notes: Remember this man’s face – later it will become a source of despair. Balk will lob some sort of bomb at you, poisoning your team. Then his soldiers will come out and you’ll be in trouble. He’s got nasty Snipe skills just like Mustadio, and his Blaze Gun (which deals ice damage, don’t get confused by the name) can sometimes nail you with powerful spells. Focus everything you have on him and he should fall. Ignore everything else – healing is almost a waste of turns for this battle. Battle Thirty-Eight: Garrison’s South Wall Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Ninja, Knight x 3, Archer x 2, Thief Guests: None FFnut’s Notes: You only fight this battle if you decide to storm the South Wall. I found this to be the harder battle. The archers and ninja can be enormous pains, so deal with them first. The thief can also steal some of your equipment or charm your characters, so deal with him next. The knights are useless, leave them for last. Battle Thirty-Eight: Garrison’s North Wall Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Summoner, Lancer x 2, Monk, Archer x 2 Guests: None FFnut’s Notes: You only fight this battle if you decide to storm the North Wall. I found this to be the easier battle. Try to get over the wall and finish the summoner and archers quickly. The monk can be taken out with little thought and the lancers aren’t as dangerous as thee other guys are. Spells can help a lot in this battle. Battle Thirty-Nine: Those Knights Are The Tactics Version Of Campers Objective: Open The Water Gate A Bethla Garrison! Enemies: Knight x 4, Wizard x 2, Archer x 2 Guests: None FFnut’s Notes: I hate this battle. It is literally the most difficult battle from this point on (some Lucavi and the some of the final chain of battles excluded). The point of this mission is to hit the two switches on the floodgate that the knights are standing on. To do that, Ramza (nobody else can do it) must step on both of those panels over the course of the battle. Unfortunately, those knights do not move. At all. The easiest way to do this is to confuse them – this will force them to move off the panels, allowing Ramza to hit them. Alternately, you can try and kill every enemy on the screen before moving Ramza onto the switches, but your style of play should dictate your decision on how to deal with this battle. FFnut’s Notes: At this point you will receive God. Or at least the Thundergod. Breaking into the castle, you’ll rescue Cidoflas Orlandu. Also called the Thundergod or T. G. Cid, your game has just become extremely easy. Your next stop is Germinas Peak. Make sure to use Orlandu every chance you get – he is Gafgarion, Agrias, and Meliadoul all rolled into one class. If you don’t like making the game too easy, you don’t have to use him, but most of my strategies from here on in involve using him. FFnut’s Notes: If you doubt this man’s power, you are an IDIOT. “But, FFnut, there can’t be any character that strong, it will unbalance the game!” I respond with, “Remember I told you about that super-hard random battle that appears at Barius Hill in Chapter 4? This man ALONE helped me live through that battle – I was caught entirely unprepared.” Battle Forty: Proof That God Exists Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Ninja, Archer x 3, Thief x 2 Guests: None FFnut’s Notes: Orlandu. Is. God. Orlandu’s AllSwordskill will annihilate all of your enemies. If you leave Excalibur equipped to him, he’ll have Auto-Haste and high attack power. This battle is cake. Battle Forty-One: He’s Not Bad With Undead Either Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Summoner, Archer x 2, Oracle, Revenant x 2 Guests: None Bring someone with life-bringing abilities (Phoenix Down or Raise, for example) and Orlandu. Excalibur is Holy elemental, making all of the damage he deals to undead with regular attacks or AllSwordskill deal extra damage. Easy. Rofel, one of Vormav’s henchmen, will talk to Dycedarg about something rather strange. We know that Mosfungus killed Larg and the Hokuten, and we’ve had some experience firsthand (Balk’s poison bomb), but those were large doses. According to this, small doses make it seem like you have a cold. After a long time of taking small doses, it makes it look like you died of cold complications. Balbanes also died of a cold, didn’t he? Then Rofel gives Dycedarg a Holy Stone. What the hell is going on here? FFnut’s Notes: Change Ramza back into his base Squire class, and equip him with an N-Kai Armlet and a Black Costume. Try to give him as much HP as possible through his helmet. Why? You can learn his "ultimate" ability in the next battle by getting hit by it, and the assassins won’t use it unless you’re immune to stop and charm. Battle Forty-Two: Ultima Assassins Objective: Defeat All Enemies! Enemies: Celia (Assassin), Lede (Assassin), Apanda x 5 Guests: None The objective lies. You only have to critical one of the assassins to win. If you follow my notes, learn Ultima from either assassin. Then hurt them with violence. Celia and Lede will report to Vormav and Elmdor. Elmdor will go to deal with you. Battle Forty-Three: The Wonders Of Facelifting Objective: Defeat Elmdor! Enemies: Elmdor (Arc Knight), Celia (Assassin/Ultima Demon), Lede (Assassin/Ultima Demon) Guests: None If you bring a thief, you can steal Elmdor’s unique equipment, but it’s not necessary. Instead, just pound on him. If you kill either assassin it will turn into an Ultima Demon, but I enjoy just slamming Elmdor to the ground. The major limiting factor here is Elmdor’s Blood Suck technique. Finish him quickly. Battle Forty-Four: The Dark Angel Objective: Defeat Zalera! Enemies: Zalera (Angel of Death, Lucavi), Knight x 2, Skeleton, Bone Snatch, Living Bone Guests: Meliadoul (Divine Knight) Elmdor finally snaps, and the Gemini Stone brings forth the Angel of Death. Meliadoul just happens by as he uses it and realizes that the stones are evil and that the Lucavi killed Izlude. Angel of Death Zalera Abilities: Flare 2 Strategy: This battle is easy. Just protect Orlandu as he waltzes in and slaughters Zalera. Meliadoul is almost useless here, because her Mighty Sword can only affect humans, but she’s decent all the same. Meliadoul joins and you get the Sagittarius stone as well. She’s almost worthless, because Orlandu has all of her abilities and more, but let her tag along anyway. FFnut’s Notes: Now the plot’s picking up. Zalbag knows that Dycedarg killed Balbanes, Delita’s the ruler of the Nanten, the princes are dead, and Vormav and the church are gaining power. Dycedarg has a Holy Stone now, and it looks like it’s impossible to avoid confrontations with anyone or anything. This is the home stretch here, and there are still a few more twists before we reach the end of the ride. Don’t worry, though, I’m not quitting on you yet! Battle Forty-Five: Yes, Dycedarg Is The Oldest… Objective: Defeat Dycedarg’s Elder Brother! Enemies: Dycedarg (Lune Knight), Knight x 5 Guests: Zalbag (Arc Knight) See, it looks like Zalbag’s crazy, but we know better. The mission objective is to defeat Dycedarg’s Elder Brother – not sure why, but it means you have to kill Dycedarg. Zalbag’s on your side in this battle. Orlandu can usually hit Dycedarg from where you start, so get everyone else into a nice battle-ready position. Dycedarg’s pretty easy… Battle Forty-Five-And-A-Half: Fury’s Ghost Objective: Defeat Adramelk! Enemies: Adramelk (Ghost of Fury, Lucavi) Guests: None With the appearance of the fourth Lucavi Dycedarg’s knights and Zalbag all vanish. Now it’s just your team against the Lucavi of Capricorn. Ghost of Fury Adramelk Abilities: Seal, Chicken Race, Lose Voice, Loss, Bahamut Strategy: Adramelk is supposed to look like a goat, but he looks more like a dragon. Either way, he tends to use Seal often, which petrifies a character. He’s fairly difficult despite Orlandu, but he’s not too hard.
What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now, From deep within the flow of time... But, for a certainty, back then, We loved so many, yet hated so much, We hurt others and were hurt ourselves... Yet even then, we ran like the wind, Whilst our laughter echoed, Under cerulean skies... |
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#7 |
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Re: FFnut's Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics
Excellent! Can't wait for the rest!
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#8 |
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Re: FFnut's Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics
I guess you never finished it. :/ Well, I'll stick it so others can use it then.
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#9 |
Go Umbarbar do my bidding
Re: FFnut's Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics
Its really too bad - this is an excellent 1/3 of a walkthrough. = 3
Fight, if there is something to fight for. Never give in, or give up - but ALWAYS give. Choose your battles wisely. You only get one shot at life. Follow your heart. ![]() |
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